
Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs (Bonsal) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)1



  • Franco–Vietnamese Operations along Coast of Central Viet-Nam

General Navarre has continued to carry out his scheduled operation to retake certain areas in Central Viet-Nam during this fighting season, in spite of Viet-Minh attacks in North Viet-Nam and Laos.

On January 20, he carried out an amphibious operation near Tuy Hoa (see map attached)2 and has since made a second landing on March 13 to the north at Qui Nhon. The large area now under friendly control has been occupied by the Viet-Minh for the last seven years and was an important source of food and manpower for them. Reports indicate the population is essentially friendly and that the units of the Viet-Nam National Army who are holding the area are well received although the population had been threatened with Viet-Minh reprisals if they cooperated with the liberating forces.

Relief activities, which are being supported by FOA, and the establishment of civil government are said to constitute an effective and valuable demonstration of the Vietnamese Government’s ability with French Union manpower not only to overthrow Viet-Minh control of target areas, but to establish effective administration at such places. USIA has cooperated with the operation and has prepared numerous pamphlets for distribution.

General Navarre plans to continue his progressive occupation of central Viet-Nam and expects to clear the coastal area up to Tourane by the summer of 1954. It is encouraging to see the steady progress of this phase of the “Navarre Plan” and the success with which it has met, despite Viet-Minh attacks in other parts of Viet-Nam.3

  1. Drafted by Hoey of PSA.
  2. Not reproduced.
  3. The following handwritten notation by Robertson appears on the source text: “Amen and thank you.”