751G.00/7–2153: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Dillon) to the Department of State


264. Repeated information Saigon 38. Embtel 256 (Saigon 37).1 Servan-Schreiber article Le Monde believed to have been purposely timed to appear on eve inter-ministerial meeting this morning to consider Indochina problems, including Navarre plan. Governmental reaction, as shown in strong Foreign Office communiqué denouncing article, was immediate and we are reliably told this did not represent merely Foreign Office or Bidault reaction but came from Laniel.

We know that Servan-Schreiber learned last Friday2 that Tam had been invited to visit United States. His source, CBS correspondent, David Schoenbrun, who in turn had obtained information from Buu Loc and had broadcast report this invitation July 18. ServanSchreiber twisted this invitation and other aspects of current Indochina developments to produce picture under which France would be sharing power decision in Indochina with United States and Vietnam to degree that she should no longer be in position to control situation and would thus not be able to take “separated diplomatic initiative” (i.e., seek to negotiate) without running risk of being charged with breaking agreement. Purpose of article appears to have been to influence government decisions on Indochina at this critical period.

In this same general vein stories are making rounds that Lang Son offensive designed merely influence United States and non-Communist Leftist Combat this morning carries editorial to that effect criticizing operation as endangering French troops when “country should appeal to heroism its children only for national causes”.

Le Monde article likely to find responsive audience only among neutralist or pro-negotiation-at-any-price elements and government’s vigorous and immediate reply should offset damage article might otherwise have done. At same time it does not lessen malaise re Indochina which lends itself all too easily to emotional exploitation and tends play up any latent French suspicion re United States intentions Indochina. Announcement United States invitation to Tam just reported in Saigon AFP dispatch should be helpful in dispelling any misunderstanding United States role in this affair.

  1. Telegram 256 from Paris, July 20, not printed, contained highlights of an editorial on Indochina by Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber which appeared in Le Monde on that day. (751G.00/7–2053)
  2. July 17.