No. 114
Editorial Note

Discussion of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Case before the Security Council began on October 15 with the submission of the resolution (S/2358/Rev.1; see Document 110), drafted by the British in consultation with the United States and the consequent withdrawal of the earlier British draft resolution (S/2358). Mosadeq addressed the Council on the same day. He reviewed the Iranian experience with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, denied the competence of the International Court of Justice, stated that Iran was ready to reopen negotiations on the questions of the sale of oil and compensation to the company, and concluded that the British resolution was unacceptable because the Security Council was not competent to deal with the complaint.

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The question was discussed further at meetings of the Council on October 16, 17, 18, and 19. In the course of these meetings India and Yugoslavia offered amendments to the British resolution which deleted the references to the International Court’s opinion. Ambassador Austin spoke for the United States on October 17, accepting the amendments and stating that clearly a dispute existed between the United Kingdom and Iran with which the Security Council should concern itself. On the same day the amendments were accepted by the British, and the new resolution was circulated as S/2358/Rev.2. Following the Council discussion on October 17, it became apparent that there were not enough votes to pass the revised resolution, and on October 19 the Council adopted a French motion calling for adjournment of the debate until the International Court of Justice had ruled on its own competence in the case.

For the texts of the several draft resolutions, see United Nations Security Council, Official Records, Sixth Year, Supplement for October, November and December, 1951, pages 2–5; for records of the discussion at the Security Council and the addresses by Mosadeq and Austin, see U.N. Docs. S/PV. 558–563 and 565; for extracts from Mosadeq’s speech, see Documents (R.I.I.A.) for 1951, pages 540–546; for Austin’s speech, see Department of State Bulletin, November 5, 1951, pages 746–749.