S/SNSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 72 Series

No. 897
Memorandum by the Secretary of Defense (Wilson) to the National Security Council1

top secret

Report by the Secretary of Defense on Negotiations with Spain

National Security Action No. 786–c2 directed the following action with respect to the United States negotiations with Spain:
The Secretary of Defense should be given the opportunity of studying this matter further, including the possibility of realizing [Page 1946] some compensatory savings in other Air Force programs as a result of the proposed action.
If, after this study, the Secretary of Defense is convinced that the recommended action on this subject contained in the referenced memorandum is a desirable program, he should so advise the Secretary of State, who would thereupon be authorized to proceed with the negotiations after discussion with the appropriate Committees of Congress.
The Secretary of Defense should report the action taken to the National Security Council at its next meeting. (May 20)
After further study, I consider that the use of Air and Naval facilities in Spain are of urgent importance to our national security. From the military point of view, there are no equally satisfactory alternate areas for these bases. The Spanish airbases are not a new requirement but have been a part of the Air Force strategic plan for some time. As a result of reductions in the Air Forces program, many continental United States and overseas airbases have been eliminated or deferred. Further, the planned utilization of the remaining airbases has been reduced to the extent that much previously required construction will be eliminated, thus effecting substantial savings. Utilization of available heavy construction equipment originally used for the construction of bases in North Africa and now located in that area will contribute to economical construction of bases on Spain.
The changes resulting from the reduction of the Air Force program have not altered airbase requirements in Spain, because of the great strategic advantages to be obtained from the location of facilities in this area. Conclusion of agreements pending between the United States and Spain will (1) provide greater flexibility of movement for military forces; (2) provide dispersion of bases in the conduct of both offensive and defensive operations, particularly the counter air effort; (3) permit continuity of effort should other bases become temporarily untenable; (4) fulfill a requirement for expansion of facilities for counter air attack; (5) secure Gibraltar and the Western Mediterranean; (6) provide additional bases for anti-submarine warfare; (7) increase the protection of the sea approaches to southern France; and (8) provide the essential right of over-flight of Spanish territory. In addition, the contemplated agreements with Spain will add to the Western alliance, in the event of war, a country which could provide depth to the defense of Western Europe against Soviet attack, and could be a haven for United States and allied civilians pending their orderly evacuation.
I am convinced that attainment of over-all United States security objectives makes it desirable that the United States conclude agreements with Spain for United States military rights in that country. Concurrently, the required MDA and Economic Agreements [Page 1947] should be concluded for administering the military and economic assistance to be granted Spain. Accordingly, I have so advised the Secretary of State and recommended that negotiations continue after consultation with the appropriate Committees of Congress.
In view of the above, I request that the National Security Council note that I am requesting the Secretary of State to move toward early conclusion of satisfactory agreements with Spain.
  1. According to a memorandum from Bonbright to Byington, May 14, Wilson informed the Secretary of State of his decision to recommend the continuation of the negotiations on May 14. (Secretary’s Letters, lot 56 D 459, “S”)
  2. The NSC action under reference was taken at the May 13 meeting of the National Security Council and is recorded in the memorandum of discussion, supra.