- Acheson, Dean, 885, 1174n
- Albania, 1590
- Canada, 2022–2025, 2028, 2029–2031, 2043–2045, 2046, 2059–2062, 2064–2065
- European Coal and Steel Community, 142–144
- European Defense Community, 760–762, 774, 798–799
- Far East, 738, 741, 781–786, 832, 834
- France, 1142–1143, 1158, 1167–1174, 1206–1207, 1232, 1246–1251, 1276–1278, 1286–1290
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 1206–1207
- Ireland, 1556
- Italy, 1590–1591
- Middle East, 732–733, 737–738, 741, 743–746, 773, 776, 778–779, 809–812, 822–827, 829
- Mutual Security Program, 459
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2–4, 39, 752–753, 801, 1142–1143
- Netherlands, 798–799
- Offshore procurement, 870, 1210–1214, 1232
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 2–4, 39, 79
- Soviet Union, 736–737
- Spain, 1800–1803, 1847–1850, 1859
- Sweden, 1760–1761
- Trieste, 1589
- Truman–Churchill talks, 730–739, 742–746, 807–808, 849–850
- United Kingdom, 733, 842, 870
- Western Europe:
- Achilles, Theodore C., 93–94, 146, 148, 156–159, 179–180, 241–246, 1235–1237, 1240–1241, 1397–1398
- Act for International Development, 617
- Adenauer, Konrad:
- Administration, U.S., change of, 241, 248, 260, 1000–1001, 1917–1918, 1928, 2059–2060
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 2052–2053, 2090
- Aguirre y Lecube, Jose Antonio, 1777
- Aiken, Frank, 80, 1551–1553, 1555, 1558
- Akers, Anthony B., 1521
- Albania, 682, 1336, 1589–1590
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 675, 916, 945, 985–986, 987n, 1026–1028, 1054
- Alexander of Tunis, Lord (Harold R.L.G. Alexander), 1034
- Alger, Frederick M., Jr., 675
- Allen, William Denis, 1089
- Allison, John M., 698n, 832–835, 901–902
- Alphand, Hervé, 91, 1219–1220
- American Federation of Labor, 648–649
- Anders, Wladislav, 1116n
- Anderson, Daniel V., 1819–1821
- Anderson, Frederick L., 79–80, 219–223, 237, 1599–1600, 1966n
- Anderson, Robert B.,2136–2137
- Anderson, Samuel W.,929, 931
- Andrews, George D., 182–190, 203–204, 271–275
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 824
- Antier, Paul, 421–422
- ANZUS, 667, 882–883, 1067, 1136
- Arab League, 1083–1084, 1335
- Arab States. See Middle East.
- Arbenz Guzman, Jacobo, 1122
- Arburua de La Miyar, Manuel, 1851–1852, 1901, 1970, 1973–1978, 1995–1999
- Areilza, Jose Maria de, 2000–2001
- Arey, Hawthorne, 21, 24
- Arguelles, Jaime, 1860–1862
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 766, 2107n
- Arth, Maurice P., 1570n, 1597n, 1602n, 1911n
- Asher, Robert, 290–292
- Associated States of Indochina. See Indochina.
- “Atlantic Charter #2.” See Truman–Churchill talks: Communiqué under United Kingdom: United States, relations with.
- Atlantic Command. See under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Atlantic Community (see also North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
- Atomic Energy Act, 1946, 1097
- Atomic Energy Commission, 764, 1085, 1096
- Atomic weapons, 852, 1133, 1516, 2023–2024
- Auriol, Vincent, 1206–1207, 1289, 1358
- Australia, 733, 930, 937, 988, 1010
- Austria:
- French position, 1497
- Green Pool, 438–439
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 7
- Neutrality, 3–4, 7, 32
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 3–4, 7, 39–40
- Reduction of forces, 639, 1477–1478
- Soviet position, 539, 659–660, 670, 840–841, 1041, 1044
- State Treaty, 586, 839–841, 969, 1041
- U.S. economic assistance, 44, 574
- U.S. military assistance, 451, 480–481, 487–488, 490–491, 529–530, 539, 591
- Azores. See under Portugal.
- Balkan Pact, 893, 1082, 1336
- Barbour, Walworth, 1448n, 1688n, 2139–2140
- Barnett, Robert W., 401, 404–406, 409n, 458, 606n, 1962–1964
- Batt, William L., 149–151
- Battle, Lucius D., 793–794, 867n, 868n, 1164, 1273n, 1288, 1906n
- Battle Act, 830
- Baum, Warren, 178n, 455, 464–465
- Bay, Charles U., 1768–1773
- Beale, Wilson T.M., Jr., 865n, 1556n
- Beaumont, Guerin, Jean Michel, 1425
- Bech, Joseph, 137, 178
- Beigel, Edgar J., 1142n, 1337n, 1344n, 1404n, 1448n, 1747n, 1778
- Belgium:
- Economic situation, 34–37, 47
- Eden proposals, 29
- European Coal and Steel Community, 52, 137–138, 147
- European Defense Community, 325, 331, 675, 738, 741, 798, 897, 1319–1320
- European Payments Union, 50, 53–55, 57, 60, 80–81, 83–86, 89, 458
- Green Pool, 437–438
- International Monetary Fund, 83–86, 89
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 33, 738, 741
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 33–34, 42
- Perequation funds, 148, 269
- Political integration, 251, 253, 332
- U.S. coal import restrictions, 371–373, 398, 400
- U.S. military assistance, 452, 457–459, 482, 487, 591
- Bell, Col. John H., 1520–1524, 1763–1768
- Bellows, Everett H., 310
- Benediktsson, Bjarni, 1517–1519
- Benton Amendment, 485, 570, 1807
- Berger, Samuel D., 1597n
- Beria, Lavrentiy Pavlovich, 671
- Berlin:
- Berlin Conference (see also Four-Power Conference proposal under Soviet Union), 1013, 1774
- Bermuda Conference, 315–316, 984, 986–988, 1006, 1017, 1064, 1360, 1396, 1398–1399
- Berry, Burton Y., 809n, 812
- Beyen, Johan W., 258, 282–285, 315–316, 331–332
- Bidault, Georges, 1335, 1340, 1353, 1356–1357, 1364–1365, 1445–1446
- Biddle, Gen. Anthony J. Drexel, 1260–1266
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 309, 516–526, 814–815, 817–818, 820–821, 941, 950, 1326
- Blaisdell, William M., 1847n
- Blaisse, P., 231, 270
- Blake, James J., 372–375, 409n
- Blank, Theodor, 94, 116–117
- Blankenhorn, Herbert A.H., 317, 319
- Bliss, Don C., 2035, 2078–2085, 2095–2096, 2099n, 2113–2117, 2130–2132, 2134–2138
- Blumberg, Warren P., 606n
- Boheman, Erik, 1760
- Bohlen, Charles E., 667–671, 986–987
- Bolton, Frances P., 461–462, 464
- Bonbright, James C.H., Jr., 178n, 191n, 198n, 205n, 207n, 528n, 698n, 876n, 968n, 1196n, 1341n, 1437n, 1605n, 1800n, 1865n, 1871n, 1911n, 1933n, 1945n
- Bonn Treaty. See Germany, Federal Republic of: Contractual agreements.
- Bonnet, Henri, 803, 806, 961, 1229–1230, 1427, 1455
- Bonsal, Philip W., 28–30, 40–42, 45, 419–420, 1185–1187, 1344
- Boochever, Louis C., Jr., 86n, 322n, 329n, 334n, 358n, 363n, 366n, 372n, 375n, 388–397, 399–401, 409n, 416n, 417n, 418n, 444n
- Boon, Henrik N., 141
- Bourgès-Maunoury, Maurice, 1168–1169, 1348, 1352–1353
- Bowie, Robert R., 579
- Bradley, General of the Army Omar N., 459, 464–465, 793, 800–801, 1146–1150, 1735
- Brentano, Heinrich von, 187–188, 208
- British Commonwealth. See Commonwealth.
- Bronz, George, 392
- Brosio, Manlio, 1717n
- Brown, Aaron S., 1748n, 1749–1753
- Brown, L.D., 2064n, 2074n
- Bruce, David K.E., 154n, 1248n, 1251n, 1877n, 2029n
- European Coal and Steel Community, 142, 149–152, 207n, 313–316, 348–349, 393, 406–407, 412–414, 658
- European Defense Community, 648–649, 652, 664, 1319–1321, 1420–1421
- France, 1155–1156, 1273–1274, 1326, 1420–1421
- Middle East, 647, 664–665
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 653–655, 663, 1140–1141, 1143–1145, 1154, 1157
- Soviet Union, 659–666
- Western Europe, 217–219, 276–277, 336, 364, 636, 643–644, 651, 656–657, 662, 876–877, 1551–1552, 1726–1727, 1871–1876
- Brucker, William M., 2137
- Buckley, Oliver E., 706–707
- Bulgaria, 683
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 650–651, 661, 1573–1577, 1580–1584, 1591n, 1592–1597
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 340, 385n, 926–927, 937, 939–940, 948–953
- Burin des Roziers, Etienne, 1346
- Burrows, Bernard A.B., 811
- Butler, Richard Austen, 50, 76, 80, 86, 926–933, 935–953, 958–960, 1009–1010
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 77–78, 1032–1034
- Byington, Homer M., 5n, 1238–1240, 1570–1573, 1587, 1620n, 1637–1639, 1847n, 1849n, 1859n, 1871n, 1911n, 1913–1915
- Byrns, Kenneth A., 1515, 1516n
- Byroade, Henry A., 760–762, 909–915, 1105, 1495
- Cabot, Thomas D., 1847n, 1859n
- Caccia, Harold, 1081, 1091–1092, 1094
- Calhoun, John A., 198n
- Cambodia, 1091, 1122, 1331, 1485
- Camm, Gen. Frank, 1732–1734
- Camp, Miriam, 2n, 5n, 27n, 39n, 46n, 65n, 73n, 125–128, 142n, 154n, 178n, 191n, 198n, 205–207, 224–228, 321–322, 343–345
- Canada, 50–51, 707, 733, 797, 845, 930, 959, 1273–1274
- Atomic weapons, 2023–2024
- Defense contribution, 2051, 2054–2056, 2062, 2078–2083
- Economic situation, 872–873, 2087
- Korean conflict, role in, 2079–2080
- St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project, 2022–2025,
2059–2060, 2086, 2094, 2126,
- Cost allocation, 2036–2041, 2130
- Foreign relations issues re, 2074–2075
- International Joint Commission, 2022–2025, 2029–2031, 2034–2035, 2065, 2129
- Litigation re, 2052, 2108–2110
- 1941 Agreement, 2022, 2024, 2029–2031, 2037–2038, 2042–2046, 2053, 2064, 2110–2111
- Power project, 2071–2072, 2076–2077
- Security interests, 2077–2078
- U.S. participation, 2064–2066, 2071, 2073, 2130–2133
- United Kingdom, relations with, 843–845, 1131
- United States, relations with (see also
St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project
above), 860, 2035–2036, 2121–2123
- Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, 2030
- Eisenhower visit, 2112–2116
- Foreign policy, 2023–2024, 2032, 2054, 2067–2071, 2085, 2094–2095, 2099–2100, 2116–2117
- Joint Canadian-U.S. Military Study Group, 2105–2107, 2127–2128
- Joint defense agreements, 2032–2034, 2047–2050, 2101–2102, 2104–2107, 2124–2125, 2127–2128
- Joint Economic and Trade Committee, 2090, 2094, 2097–2098, 2111–2112
- Permanent Joint Board on Defense—United States and Canada(PJBD), 2033–2034, 2048–2050, 2076
- Trade relations, 2052–2053, 2060, 2083–2096
- Western Europe, aid to, 2054–2055, 2062, 2079–2082, 2099
- Canada–U.S. Scientific Advisory Team (CUSSAT), 2105–2106
- Canadian Temporary Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Advisory Committee, 2129
- Candi, Paolo, 1621
- Cannon, Cavendish W., 1723–1726, 1732–1734, 1735–1737
- Carrigan, John Willard, 1729–1731, 1738
- Casey, Richard G., 1108
- Cattani, Attilio, 404–406
- Ceylon, 873, 937
- Chaban-Delmas, Jacques, 1188–1195
- Chapin, Selden, 141, 298–299, 424, 426–427, 434–435, 443–444, 674–675
- Cherwell, Lord (Frederick Alexander Lindemann), 739, 751, 754, 758, 787–789, 796–797, 802, 853–854, 1096–1097
- Chevrier, Lionel, 2030–2031
- Chiefs of Mission meetings, 636–637, 643–644, 665, 677–678, 688–689
- China, People’s Republic of:
- British position, 675, 715–716, 735, 740, 782, 785, 805, 1056, 1103, 1109
- British trade with, 734, 743–744, 901–903, 920–921, 1124
- Commonwealth, relations with, 991
- Indochina, role in, 780, 905, 1332
- Japanese relations with, 784, 786, 832–835, 843–844, 1119
- Korean conflict, role in, 784
- Soviet Union, relations with, 669, 743–744, 1040
- U.N. membership, 1003, 1041–1044, 1098, 1108–1110, 1113–1114, 1125
- U.S. position, 725, 741, 782–783, 903–905, 999, 1058–1059, 2068
- Western trade with, 920–921, 1334
- China, Republic of (see also Formosa), 716, 784, 786, 1044, 1113
- Chou En-lai, 1068, 1087–1088
- Christensen, Maj. Gen. James G., 1557, 1648–1649
- Churchill, Winston, 1052–1054, 1099–1100, 1129n
- Atomic weapons, 764–765, 1015–1021, 1024, 1033, 1071, 1085–1086, 1110, 1133
- Colonialism, 1052
- East-West relations, 740, 844, 848–849, 851–852, 854–857, 970–974, 977–978, 980–981, 1024, 1056–1058
- Eisenhower–Churchill talks, 1063, 1079–1080, 1123–1125, 1130–1131
- European Defense Community, 797–798, 800–801, 806, 884, 1034, 1103–1104, 1132
- Far East, 734–735, 743–745, 782, 784, 805, 843, 854, 883, 1024, 1030–1034, 1041–1043, 1069–1070, 1083, 1098, 1109–1110, 1125, 1133
- Four-Power Conference proposal, 964–966, 975–976, 995, 1050–1051, 1097–1098, 1111–1112
- Middle East, 735–736, 740, 745, 773, 775–776, 779–780, 804–805, 844, 861, 883, 1024, 1070, 1082–1084, 1100, 1106–1107
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 770–773, 793, 801, 804, 844, 847, 857, 860, 1071
- Truman–Churchill talks, 693–695, 704–705, 718, 837–839, 849–852
- United Kingdom, 747–750, 765–766, 884–885, 984, 1025
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1036–1037, 1039–1041, 1049–1050, 1109
- Trade with the United States, 796–797, 803, 805–806, 858–859
- United States, relations with, 736, 801–802, 848, 885–887, 1002–1003, 1025, 1101–1103
- U.S. economic asistance, 754–755
- U.S. military assistance, 748, 750, 768–769, 803–804, 867
- Churchill–Pleven Communiqué 762, 798
- Cicognani, Archbishop, 2015–2016
- Clark, Gen. Edward, 1651
- Clark, Gen. Mark W., 2002
- Claxton, Brooke, 1448n, 2124
- Clermont-Tonnerre, Thiery de, 1166n, 1204
- Cleveland, Harlan, 261–262, 448–449, 451–452, 455–456, 458, 468–470, 497n, 1161–1162, 1165n, 1180n, 1246n, 1248n, 1273n
- Cleveland, Robert G., 528n, 535n, 573–575
- Cleveland, Stanley M., 2n, 39n, 152, 282n, 439–441
- Coal industry (see also European Coal and Steel Community), 398, 789
- Coe, Robert D., 1774–1776
- Cohn, Roy, 998
- Cole, W. Sterling, 1015–1016, 1086, 2117–2118, 2120–2121, 2123–2124
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 1033–1034, 1467–1468, 1480–1481, 1517–1518, 1602
- Collins, V. Lansing, 1687–1688
- Colonialism, 1046–1048, 1052, 1135–1136
- Commission on Foreign Economic Policy. See Randall Commission.
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 566, 569
- Commonwealth:
- Commonwealth Economic Conference of 1952, 1028, 2091
- Commonwealth economic proposals:
- Balance of payments, 862–863, 871, 925, 948, 950, 1030
- British economic situation, 934–935, 938–940
- British position, 878–879, 881, 922–928
- Commodity prices, 871–872
- Communiqué, 948, 950, 952–956, 962–963
- Convertibility, 862, 864, 872–875, 878, 888–889, 924–925, 941, 945
- Development, 872, 878–879
- Dollar gap, 924
- European Payments Union, 925, 952
- Finance, 931, 946
- French position, 961
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 875, 879, 888–889, 925, 942–943
- Import restrictions, 878–879, 889
- Internal measures, 863–864, 874, 878, 889
- International Monetary Fund, 889, 925, 952
- Investments, 864, 879, 889, 930, 938, 951–952, 1010
- Off-shore procurement, 950–951
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 880–881, 931, 957–958
- Raw materials, 931
- Sterling balances, 937–938, 941–945
- Tourism, 930
- Trade liberalization, 888, 924, 943, 948, 951
- U.S. role in, 875, 889, 925–926, 947–953, 1000, 1010
- Western Europe, 923, 931–932, 935, 943, 951, 957–960
- Commonwealth Finance Ministers Conference, 1954, 1009, 1028
- Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference, 862–864, 871–875, 878–881, 988–991
- Communism (see also McCarthyism), 271–272, 1015, 1102, 1109
- Community of Six (see also
European Coal and Steel Community; European Defense Community):
- Atlantic Community, relationship to, 28, 160, 197, 226, 242, 264, 637, 642, 657–658
- Bermuda Conference, 315–316
- Common market, 328
- Council of Europe (see also Eden, Anthony: Proposals for Western European political integration and Observer issue under European Political Community: Planning process), 108, 185, 205, 212–215, 217
- European Political Community (see also French-Italian proposal under European Political Community), 3, 8–9, 212–213, 217, 224–228, 242, 252, 325
- Foreign Ministers meeting, 315–319
- Green Pool, 431–432, 434, 437, 440
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 225–227, 264
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 225–227, 264
- Political orientation of, 225, 227, 263–264
- United Kingdom, relations with, 198, 215–216, 227, 235–236, 263, 307, 642
- United States, relations with, 198, 225, 227, 259, 263, 276–277, 642
- Conant, James B., 671–672, 691–692
- Confédération Générale de l’Agriculture, 420
- Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL), 1692–1693, 1695
- Confederazione Italiana dei Sindicati Lavoratori (CISL), 1692–1693, 1702
- Confidustria, 1689–1693
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts:
- Act for International Development, 617
- Atomic Energy Act, 1946, 1097
- Battle Act, 830
- Benton amendment, 485, 570, 1807
- Customs Simplification Act, 951
- Customs Simplification Bill, 1000
- Economic Cooperation Act, 486, 1549, 1781, 1838–1839, 1847
- Economic Cooperation Administration Act, 1949, 145
- Famine Relief Act, 571
- Federal Power Act, 2052
- Fulbright Act, 485
- Lehman Bill, 2075
- McCarran Amendment, 1991–1992
- McCarran–Walters Immigration Act, 1374, 2133
- McMahon Act, 1019–1020
- Military and Naval Installations Construction Act, 1806
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act, 485, 1007
- Mutual Security Act, 209, 594–595, 822, 999
- Mutual Security Act, 1951, 377, 463, 1554, 1556n, 1781, 1807, 1837–1839, 1847
- Mutual Security Act, 1952, 460, 483–486, 1556, 1561
- Mutual Security Act, 1954, 613, 618–620
- Mutual Security Appropriations Act, 1952, 1783–1784, 1797, 1807
- Mutual Security Appropriations Act, 1954, 566–571, 1949
- Mutual Security Appropriations Act, 1955, 397, 1991, 2000
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act, 951, 1000, 2089
- Refugee Relief Act, 1635
- St. Lawrence Seaway Bill, 2029n, 2126
- Simpson Bill, 2083–2084, 2087, 2089
- Trade Agreements Act, 1000, 2060
- Wiley–Dondero Act, 2073, 2075, 2126, 2129–2130, 2132, 2134–2136
- British opinion of, 998–999
- Egypt, 861
- Foreign aid, 796
- Indochina, 1324
- Japanese peace treaty, 833–883
- Mutual Security Program, 591–593, 605, 1078
- Senate Committee on Appropriations, 397
- Senate Resolution 269, 1
- Soviet Union, Churchill visit, 979
- Acts:
- Congress of Industrial Organizations, 648–649
- Connelly, Matthew J., 2011
- Connor, Col. Vois H., 1849n, 1859n
- Coppé, Albert, 266, 269–270
- Corbett, Jack C., 363n, 375n, 378n, 389
- Cosgrove, Liam, 1563
- Costello, John A., 1562–1563
- Coty, René, 1398, 1417
- Council of Europe (see also
Anthony: Proposals for Western
European political integration; European Coal
and Steel Community: Observer issue; and
European Political Community: Planning process):
- Community of Six, 108, 185, 205, 212–215, 217
- Defense of Europe, role in, 61, 212
- European Coal and Steel Community, 53, 82, 140, 153, 166–167, 177–178, 190, 192–194, 212–213, 313–314
- European Defense Community, 77, 212
- European Political Community, 182–183, 203–204, 273–275, 300
- Human rights conventions, 28–29, 41
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 28
- Swedish participation, 77–78
- United Kingdom, relations with, 28, 41–42, 113–114, 197, 215
- United States, relations with, 126, 198
- U.S. position, 275
- Cowen, Myron M., 199–200
- Craig, Horace S., 310
- Cunha, Paulo Arsenio Virissimo, 1744–1745
- Customs Simplification Act, 951, 1000
- Cutler, Robert, 885n, 1669, 1675, 1939–1942, 1979
- Cyprus, 1072, 1083
- Daum, Léon, 339, 410
- Davis, Adm. Arthur C., 1454–1455, 1481, 1753–1755
- Dawson, Henry P., 5n
- De Gasperi, Alcide, 137, 184, 285–286, 302, 315, 650–651, 1580, 1592–1595, 1614–1616, 1630, 1696–1698
- de Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 1198–1203, 1423
- De Menthon, François, 29, 109, 187, 269, 274
- De Paul, N. Carter, 1859n, 1911n
- De Staercke, André, 331
- Dean, Sir Maurice, 874
- Debre, Michel, 231
- DeCaro, Raffaelo, 1673
- Defense Materials Procurement Agency, 199, 510
- Defense, U.S. Department of (see also Mutual Defense Assistance Program), 561–563, 572–573, 577–581, 587, 598, 614, 627–628, 2101
- Dehousse, Fernand, 266
- Denmark, 40, 426, 439, 1758–1759, 1762–1763, 1767–1768
- Diaz, Carlos Enrique, 1122
- Dien Bien Phu, 1033–1034
- Dillon, C. Dougla., 385, 1062–1063, 1309–1311, 1346–1349, 1383n, 1389n
- Disarmament, 1357–1358
- Dixon, Sir Pierson John, 166, 899, 902, 911–914, 917
- Dodge, Joseph M., 932–933
- Donnelly, Walter J., 646, 649–650, 653, 656–657, 663
- Donovan, Gen. William J., 1419–1420
- Douglas, Lewis W., 927, 935–944, 946, 948, 950–952, 955
- Dowling, Walter C., 7
- Draper, William H., Jr., 8n, 84–86, 163, 208–209, 233–234, 303–305, 515–516, 661, 664
- European Coal and Steel Community, 52, 104–108, 132–133, 159–161, 164–167, 172n, 176–178, 232, 246–248, 297–298, 657–658
- France, 1185, 1245, 1283–1285, 1321–1322
- Italy, 662, 1595n, 1604
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 651–652, 662–663, 1321–1322
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 49–51, 76–78, 297–298
- Western European political integration, 431–432, 435–439, 655
- Dulles, Allen W., 1623–1624
- Dulles, John Foster, 305, 312, 540–541, 598, 613, 889–890, 926, 1111–1112, 1125n,
1126n, 1128n, 1129n, 1189n
- Atomic weapons, 1136, 1477, 1498
- Austria, 1477–1478
- Canada, 2067–2071, 2085–2086, 2089, 2091, 2109
- Colonialism, 1135–1136
- Communism, 1670
- East-West relations, 968–970, 1335
- Eisenhower–Churchill talks, 1064, 1072–1073, 1079
- European Coal and Steel Community, 409–410, 416–417
- European Defense Community, 883–884, 895–899, 1076–1077, 1080, 1135, 1323–1325, 1333–1334, 1338–1339, 1352, 1410–1412, 1432–1435
- Far East, 832–834, 901–907, 1087–1093, 1113, 1117–1122, 1134, 1459
- France, 1336–1337, 1348–1349, 1390, 1463, 1465, 1499
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 1390, 1433, 1463, 1465
- Guatemala, 1075, 1100, 1121–1122
- Iceland, 1527–1528, 1533–1535
- Indochina, 1379–1380, 1460–1461, 1468–1470, 1472–1473, 1475, 1479–1485, 1488–1492
- Ireland, 1562
- Italy, 1602–1605, 1614n, 1620–1621, 1639–1640, 1646–1647, 1681–1682, 1685n, 1689–1690, 1717–1718
- Middle East, 894, 908–919, 1082–1084, 1105–1106, 1335–1336, 1500
- North Africa, 1458, 1493–1495, 1503–1505
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1336, 1340, 1348–1349
- Norway, 1763
- Portugal, 1746–1748, 1751n
- Psychological warfare, 683–684
- Saar, 899, 1486–1487
- Spain, 1911–1912, 1915, 1933, 1959–1960, 1966
- Trieste, 900
- United Kingdom, 881–885, 922, 934–935, 954–955, 1114, 1116–1117, 1136, 1614n
- Western Europe:
- Yugoslavia, 1498–1499
- Dulles–Morrison agreement, 716, 735, 833
- Dunham, William B., 1728–1729, 1740–1742, 1793, 1800n, 1847n, 1849n, 1859n, 1865n, 1871n, 1906n, 1911n, 1913n, 1915n, 1918, 1933n, 1935n, 1955n, 1958n, 1966n
- Dunn, James Clement, 241, 481–482, 646, 1950n, 1955n
- European Coal and Steel Community, 82, 89–92, 133–139
- European Defense Community, 664, 1266–1268
- France, 648–649, 1206–1207, 1214–1215, 1253–1255, 1256–1259, 1270–1272, 1274–1275, 1327
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 657, 1206–1207
- Indochina, 1268–1269, 1278–1279, 1298–1300
- Ireland, 1555
- Italy, 662, 1565–1569
- Spain, 1917, 1926–1935, 1952–1954, 1957–1958, 1961–1962, 1970–1972, 1992–1993
- Western Europe:
- Durbrow, Elbridge C., 1621n, 1653–1655, 1685n, 1690–1699, 1708–1709, 1719
- Dworshak, Henry C., 460
- East-West trade (see also China, People’s Republic of: British trade with), 652–653, 920–921, 999–1000, 1072–1073, 1116, 1123, 1334
- Eastern Europe:
- Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), 87, 105, 127, 130, 143, 162, 289–292
- Economic Cooperation Acts. See under Congress, U.S.: Acts.
- Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA), 701, 1847
- Eden, Anthony, 41–42, 841, 899–900, 922–923, 1026, 1123–1124, 1125n,
1126n, 1128n, 1129n
- China, People’s Republic of, 734–735, 744–745, 786, 834–835, 843–844, 901–904, 920, 1113
- Egypt, 732, 738, 776, 778, 810–812, 894, 908–914, 917, 1105–1107
- European Defense Community, 731–732, 760–762, 799–800, 895–899, 1076–1077, 1081
- Guatemala, 1075–1076, 1100, 1108, 1121–1122
- Iran, 732–733, 738, 746, 779–780, 805, 823, 825, 827, 915–917, 920
- Japan, 735, 834–835, 843–844, 1119
- Korean conflict, 831–832, 906–907, 1027–1028
- Middle East 741–742, 777, 915, 1068, 1084
- Neo-Nazism, 899–900
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 738, 741, 752–754, 801
- Organization of European Economic Cooperation, 47–48, 78–79, 957–960
- Proposals for Western European political integration
(see also
Observer issue
European Political Community: Planning process), 27–29, 74, 109, 121, 132, 166, 184–186
- British participation (see also under Western Europe: Political integration), 41, 45, 72, 74, 91–92, 94, 102, 108, 112–114, 123, 191
- Council of Europe, 75, 194, 203–204, 210–216, 273–275, 300
- European Coal and Steel Community, 166
- European Defense Community ratification, 62, 90–91, 94, 110, 113, 212, 216–217
- French-Italian proposals, 93–94, 99–100, 108–109, 111, 119–120, 123–124, 159, 175, 194
- Legal provisions, 61–65
- Neutrality issue, 27–28, 41, 64, 77–78
- Seat of institutions, 73, 82, 92
- U.S. participation issue, 92, 112, 170
- U.S. position, 27–28, 68, 73–74, 102–103, 112, 198
- Southeast Asia, 742, 785, 805, 903, 1068, 1078, 1083, 1087–1094, 1119–1122
- United Kingdom, 750–751, 796–797, 868–870, 942–943, 1035, 1117
- Egypt (see also
Middle East):
- British position, 975, 1002, 1024, 1045, 1105–1107
- British-U.S. policy coordination, 714–715, 726–727, 848, 908–909, 912, 917–918, 992, 1031, 1126–1127
- Condominium Agreement, 810–811
- Economic situation, 937
- Israel, relations with, 894
- Middle East Command proposals, 727, 775–776, 779, 809–812
- Sudan, relations with, 714–715, 732, 778, 809–812, 908
- Suez Canal, 775–777, 861, 894, 1068, 1070, 1100, 1335
- Suez Canal base:
- WAFD, 809, 811
- Einaudi, Luigi, 1630, 1650
- Eisenberg, Robert, 388n, 401–403
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 277n, 356, 542–543, 861n, 885n, 984, 1037–1038, 1129n,
- Atomic weapons, 1085–1086, 1133
- Canada, 2073, 2088–2092, 2115
- Colonialism, 1046–1048
- East-West relations, 967, 972–973, 978–979, 1012–1014, 1043–1045, 1046
- Eisenhower–Churchill talks, 1061, 1072–1073, 1079–1080, 1123–1125, 1130–1131
- European Defense Community, 798, 1080–1081, 1132, 1135, 1189–1199, 1202, 1328–1329
- Far East, 1058–1059, 1069n, 1098, 1125, 1133, 1324, 1329, 1341–1342
- Four-Power conference, 965, 976–977, 996, 1017–1018, 1059, 1097–1099
- France, 1059–1060, 1201–1203, 1324–1325, 1363–1364, 1383–1384, 1463–1466
- Guatemala, 1100
- Italy, 1081–1083, 1617–1618, 1634–1637, 1651, 1670, 1676
- Middle East, 894, 918–919, 981–983, 1082
- Mutual Security Program, 534, 540–542, 618–619, 1078
- Psychological warfare, 684
- Spain, 1799, 1922–1923, 1940–1941, 1943–1944, 1949, 1955–1957
- U.S. military budget, 534, 632–635
- Vatican, 2012–2013, 2016–2017
- Western European political integration, 277n, 420
- Elbrick, Charles Burke, 1715, 1746n, 1985
- Ely, Gen. Paul H., 1481–1482
- Erlander, Tage, 1760–1761
- Etzel, Franz, 177, 247, 268–269, 271, 307
- European Army. See European Defense Force.
- European Coal and Steel Community (see
Community of Six; Cooperative
Economic integration
Western Europe):
- Belgian position, 52, 137–138, 147
- British association with (see also under
Anthony: Proposals for
Western European political integration; Western Europe: Economic integration; and
Observer issue
European Political Community: Planning process), 72, 74, 82, 87, 91–92, 107, 153–154, 164–166, 168, 176–177, 214–216, 219–222, 387
- Commercial policy, 148, 235–236, 240, 344, 347, 406–407, 410, 412
- Draft treaty, 413–414
- European Defense Community ratification, 91, 341–342, 348
- French position, 91, 160, 253, 411
- Institutional structure, 220, 227, 239–240, 263, 407–409
- Labor questions, 169
- U.S. position, 227, 247, 347–349, 696–697, 713
- Cartels, 270, 343–344, 374–375, 382, 393, 402, 658
- Commercial policy, 106–107, 147–148, 248, 268–270, 344–345, 376, 392
- Common market, establishment of, 268–271, 337, 356–357, 381–382, 393
- Council of Europe (see also under Eden, Anthony: Proposals for Western European political integration and Observer issue below), 53, 82, 140, 153, 166–167, 177–178, 190, 192–194, 212–213, 313–314
- Elections, 187–188
- Establishment of, 132–133, 149, 152–154
- European Payments Union, 58, 201
- European Political Community:
- Position toward, 152–153, 181–183
- Relationship with, 105, 201, 212–213, 252–253, 280, 330
- Role in formation of. See French-Italian proposal and Planning process under European Political Community.
- French position, 1, 52, 82, 134, 136–139, 146, 321
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 87–88, 181, 219, 267, 347–348, 371–373, 399–400, 402, 412
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 161, 199, 247
- Industry representation, 52, 162
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 209, 238–239, 334, 341
- Investment policy, 220, 233, 309, 339–340, 345, 355, 374
- Japanese competition, 199
- Labor interests, 309, 393
- Monnet resignation, 412–413, 416–417
- Observer issue, 45, 61, 198, 204, 206–207, 212, 214–215, 222–223
- Organization of, 135, 147–148, 153, 161–162, 177–178, 181, 187–190, 248, 265–267
- Organization of European Economic Cooperation, 104, 106, 162, 213, 298
- Productivity program, 308–311
- Progress of, 249–250, 307, 356–357, 381–382
- Publicity for, 256–257
- Ratification of, 1, 2n, 81–82
- Ruhr agreement, 114
- Saar issue, 102–103, 133–134, 136–140, 152, 154–155
- Seat of institutions, 82, 88–89, 103–104, 114, 142, 146–147, 155, 266
- Sovereignty of, 177–178, 187, 190, 207, 210–211, 214–215, 219–221, 230, 236, 357–359, 415
- Technical assistance, 310–311
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings below), 128–131, 144–146, 232, 237, 305–306, 310–311
- U.S. economic assistance, 1–2, 88, 106, 127–128, 130–131, 150, 176, 208–209, 233–234, 336–337, 341, 346, 348, 351, 363–364, 375, 377
- U.S. position, 104–107, 128–129, 132–133, 658
- U.S. public opinion toward, 360–361, 364, 373
- Western Europe:
- European Defense Community (EDC) (see also
Community of Six
Cooperative organizations
Western Europe):
- Anglo-French communiqué, 732
- Belgian position, 325, 331, 675, 738, 741, 798, 897, 1319–1320
- British association with (see also Eden, Anthony: Proposals for Western European political integration; Observer issue under European Political Community: Planning process; and British subheadings under Western Europe: Political integration), 45, 72, 74, 90–91, 113–114, 660, 713, 741, 762, 892, 895, 1023
- British position, 406n, 675, 696–697, 722, 731–732, 797–801, 838, 883–884, 920, 1103, 1132, 1420–1421
- Council of Europe (see also Eden, Anthony: Proposals for Western European political integration, 77, 212
- Dutch position, 141, 223, 322–323, 331–332, 443–444, 675, 738, 741, 762, 798–799
- Establishment of, 8–9, 33, 79
- European Payments Union, 58, 201
- European Political Community, 90–91, 96–98, 113, 156–157, 182–183, 201, 212, 252–253, 280, 299, 330–331
- French position, 321, 1034, 1067, 1316, 1321, 1327, 1331, 1356, 1388–1389, 1443
- French Socialist Party, position, 280–281
- German Federal Republic participation, 115–117, 261, 590, 601, 621, 649, 663, 732, 739, 760–761, 798–799, 806, 1145
- German Federal Republic position, 250–251, 256, 317–318, 641, 649, 663–664, 671–672, 1197, 1323–1324, 1433
- German unification, 637, 660
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 73, 226, 264, 461, 601, 897, 920, 1166
- Observer issue. See under European Coal and Steel Community and under European Political Community: Planning process.
- Organization of European Economic Cooperation, 264
- Parliamentary control, 325
- Policy in event of defeat, 399, 402, 405, 406n, 1126–1128, 1135, 1443–1445
- Ratification of:
- Agricultural integration, 443–444
- British association with European Coal and Steel Community, 91, 341–342, 348
- Eden proposals, 62, 90–91, 94, 110, 113, 212, 216–217
- European Political Community, 90–91, 133, 141, 202, 217, 251–252, 280, 320, 325, 329, 332, 361–363, 1194, 1197
- French position, 96–98, 361–362, 1195, 1327, 1356, 1387, 1391–1395, 1397–1398, 1408–1411, 1425–1427, 1435–1436, 1440–1441
- German court crisis, 250–251, 256
- Germany, Federal Republic of, contractual agreements, 639, 664, 1076–1077, 1080–1081, 1323–1324
- Prospects for, 536, 664, 673, 690–692, 895–897, 1067, 1072, 1272, 1309–1310, 1323–1324, 1333, 1350, 1387, 1397–1399, 1429–1430, 2069
- Saar issue, effect of, 603, 642–649, 673, 899, 1060, 1268, 1320, 1330, 1338, 1341
- U.S. economic assistance to European Coal and Steel Community, 341, 346, 348, 351, 377
- Western European political integration, 111, 251–252, 256
- Seat of. See European Coal and Steel Community: Seat of institutions.
- United States, relations with, 151, 226, 264
- U.S. military assistance, 527, 568, 621
- U.S. position, 129, 131, 145, 151, 226, 264, 797–801, 838, 920, 1132, 1193–1194, 1328–1329, 1432–1433
- European Defense Force (EDF) (see also European Defense Community), 29, 461, 536, 722, 860
- European Farm Organization, 420
- European Federalist Movement, 201–202
- European integration. See Western Europe.
- European Payments Union, 9, 34, 37, 50–51, 70, 271, 814, 819, 931, 951, 1029, 1293
- Belgian position in, 50, 53–55, 57, 60, 80–81, 83–86, 89, 458
- British position, 958
- Common market, 271
- Convertibility, 365–366, 943, 958
- Defense, role in, 57, 69–70
- Dollar area, trade with, 352–354, 386
- European Coal and Steel Community, 58, 201
- European Defense Community, 58, 201
- French position in, 1183–1184, 1304, 1313–1314
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 13, 15–16, 18, 24, 70–71
- International Monetary Fund, 13, 15–16, 18, 23–24, 59–60, 70–71, 85, 925, 952
- Reorganization of, 84, 943, 957–958
- Right of withdrawal, 958
- Swiss membership in, 6
- Trade liberalization, 58, 69
- U.S. capital contribution, 12, 14, 17–21, 24, 26, 53–58, 70
- U.S. military assistance, 470, 474, 476–477, 492
- U.S. participation, 12–26, 50, 69–71
- U.S. position, 57, 59, 386
- Western European integration, 8, 18, 24, 37, 70, 271
- European Political Community:
- Agricultural integration, 436, 440
- British association with, 158, 185–186, 203, 235, 272–273
- British position, 191, 194, 197
- British proposals. See Eden, Anthony: Proposals for Western European political integration.
- Community of Six:
- Council of Europe (see also Eden, Anthony: Proposals for Western European political integration), 203–204, 274–275
- Draft treaty, 278–282, 294–295, 318, 323–324, 326–327, 329–331
- Dutch position, 132, 141, 180–181, 184, 192, 201–202, 223, 279, 282–285, 321–323, 326, 439–440
- Economic powers, 184, 231, 279, 284–285, 332
- Elections, 112, 201, 231, 271–272, 320, 439–440
- European Coal and Steel Community (see also Planning process below), 105, 152–153, 181–183, 201, 212–213, 252–253, 330
- European Defense Community, 90–91, 96–98, 113, 156–157, 201, 212, 252–253, 280, 299, 330
- Federalist proposals, 201–202, 231
- Foreign Ministers statement, 284–285
- French-Italian proposal, 89, 93–98, 107, 118, 122–123, 141, 147, 156–1577, 178–180, 184
- British position, 99–101, 108, 111–113, 119–121, 124, 140, 168, 175
- Council of Europe discussion of, 273–275
- Dutch position, 181, 192
- Eden proposals and, 93–94, 99–100, 108–109, 111, 119–120, 123–124, 159, 175, 194
- European Coal and Steel Community Council of Ministers discussion of, 152–153, 181–183
- Italian sponsorship of, 122, 132, 147, 156–157
- Legal questions, 108–110
- U.S. participation, 158, 178–180
- U.S. position, 102–103, 158–159
- French position, 202, 318–321, 361–362, 1320–1321, 1333
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 122, 132, 158, 195, 203, 279, 321–322
- Membership issues, 123–124, 232, 271–272
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 272
- Planning process, 181–183, 190, 230–232, 249, 296–297
- Ad Hoc Assembly, 193–194, 200–201, 205, 208, 279, 286–289, 296–297
- British participation, 158, 184, 195–196, 210–211, 272
- Foreign Ministers Communiqué, 301–302
- French position, 200–201, 370n
- German Federal Republic participation, 192
- Observer issue (see also under European Coal and Steel Community under Eden, Anthony: Proposals for Western European political integration), 93, 99, 109–110, 120, 204–206, 210–212, 216, 230, 263, 301, 319
- U.S. participation, 123, 132, 158, 178–180, 184, 195–196, 198, 280, 329
- Public opinion, 100, 231
- Rome Conference on, 321–322, 324–329
- Saar issue effects on, 325, 412
- Site of, 159, 230
- Structure of, 231, 252, 321–322
- Supranationality, 314, 318–323, 325–327, 329, 361–362
- U.S. position, 125–126, 128, 263, 642
- U.S. representation to, 151, 228
- European Recovery Program. See Marshall Plan.
- European Union of Federalists, 90–91
- Evans, Marian, 55–56, 1158n, 1286n, 2043–2045
- Export-Import Bank, 21, 81n, 369, 392, 823, 944, 1217, 1314–1315, 1354, 1357, 1362–1363, 1854
- Eyskens, Gaston, 138
- Fanfani, Amintore, 443, 1650
- Far East (see also individual countries):
- Faure, Edgar, 1140, 1167–1170, 1179
- Fechteler, Adm. William M., 771–773, 793–794, 856
- Federal Power Commission, 2031, 2039, 2042, 2052, 2071, 2073–2076, 2086
- Federal Reserve Board, 866, 932–933
- Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d’Exploitants Agricoles (FNSEA), 433
- Ferguson, Homer, 1618n
- Ferguson, John Haven, 658, 664, 1150–1153
- Fernandes, Esteves, 1742
- Fessenden, Russell, 322n
- Fidel, Edward A., 409n, 606n
- Finland, 592–593, 660, 1759
- Finletter, Thomas K., 1514
- Fisher, William D., 320, 329n, 1445n
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 144–146, 1966n
- Fleischmann, Manly, 758–759, 795–797
- Flemming, Arthur S., 633, 1136
- Focht, Col., 1520
- Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), 422
- Foreign Ministers meeting, July 1953, 994–996
- Foreign Ministers meeting, London, October 1953, 1003–1004
- Foreign Operations Administration, 355, 365–366, 369, 378, 383, 385, 398–399, 401–402, 422–423, 442, 542–543, 570, 580, 598, 605, 619–620, 622, 630–631, 1004–1006, 1012n, 1402, 1404, 1421, 1438, 1452–1453, 1531, 1544, 1675–1676, 1682, 1747, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972–1974, 1976, 1992
- Formosa (see also Far East; China, People’s Republic of; China, Republic of), 615, 716, 725–726, 734–735, 783, 805, 885, 1147–1148
- Foster, Andrew B., 73n
- Foster, William C., 224n, 1165, 1230, 1602n, 2026n
- Fox, Mary Joan, 607n
- France (see also
French-Italian proposal
European Political Community):
- Agricultural integration, 418–419, 421–425, 432–433, 438, 443
- Atomic weapons, 1477
- Austria, troop withdrawal from, 1477–1478
- China, People’s Republic of, 1334
- Commonwealth economic proposals, 961
- Defense of Europe, contribution to, 1034, 1146–1150, 1154–1157, 1160–1161, 1165–1166, 1176–1178, 1236, 1274–1275, 1318–1319, 1321, 1329, 1360, 1370, 1496
- Defense production, 550, 648, 1210, 1213–1214, 1219–1220
- Disarmament, 1343, 1357–1358
- East-West trade, 1116
- Economic situation, 1150–1153, 1168, 1176–1178, 1180–1187, 1263, 1298, 1300, 1348, 1357, 1375–1376, 1404–1405
- Eden proposals, 29, 45, 72, 74, 93–94, 123–124, 160
- European Coal and Steel Community, position toward, 1, 52, 82, 134, 136–139, 146, 321
- European Code of Military Justice, 117–118
- European Defense Community (see also
Political situation
below), 261, 321,
1034, 1067, 1316, 1321,
1327, 1331, 1356, 1388–1389,
- Ratification of. See under European Defense Community.
- European Payments Union, 1183–1184, 1304, 1313–1314
- European Political Community, 200–202, 252–253, 299, 318–321, 327–328, 330, 361–363, 370n, 1320–1321, 1333
- Four-Power Conference proposal, 995, 1097–1098
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1499
- German unification, 1343, 1346, 1357–1358
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 261, 264, 664, 1390
- Indochina. See Indochina.
- Manila Pact, 1459
- Middle East, 1335–1336
- National service, 1263–1264
- North Africa, 570, 648–649, 673, 1191–1192, 1201–1202, 1271–1272, 1276–1277, 1311, 1336, 1395–1396, 1457–1458, 1496–1497
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 662–663, 1190–1192, 1324–1325, 1339–1340, 1367
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 32, 422, 1337
- Overseas territories, 232
- Paris Accords, 1462–1463
- Political situation, 425, 427, 648, 673, 1139–1140,
1179, 1289, 1357–1359, 1392,
1415–1416, 1439, 1451, 1506–1508
- Action Républicaine et Sociale (ARS), 361–363, 1391, 1408
- Agricultural organizations, 433
- Communist party. See Parti Communiste Française below.
- Defense of Europe, contribution to, 1149, 1175–1176, 1197–1198, 1226
- European Defense Community ratification, 96–98, 361–362, 1195, 1327, 1387, 1391–1395, 1397–1398, 1408–1411, 1425–1427, 1435–1436, 1440–1441
- Gaullist party. See Rassemblement du Peuple Française below.
- Indochina, 691, 905, 1378, 1380, 1413–1414, 1423–1424, 1427
- Mouvement Républicain Populaire (MRP), 320, 691, 1376, 1423, 1440, 1463, 1507
- Parti Communiste Française (PCF), 461, 1190, 1214–1215, 1376–1377, 1506, 1509–1511
- Rassemblement du Peuple Française (RPF), 97–98, 115, 314, 320, 1190–1191, 1195–1196, 1198–1199, 1350–1351
- Socialist Party, 253, 361–363, 1198
- Union des Républicains et d’Action Sociale (URAS), 1391, 1408
- U.S. position, 1394, 1445–1446
- U.S. role in, 1253–1255, 1508–1509
- Soviet Union, 1256–1259, 1343, 1346–1347, 1477–1478
- Spain, 1941
- Trieste, 1336, 1387
- Tripartite declaration, 892, 896, 898
- United Kingdom, 175, 895, 898, 1024–1025, 1062, 1440
- United States, relations with (see also U.S.
subheadings below), 640, 673,
1059–1060, 1188–1190,
1199–1202, 1205–1206, 1253–1255, 1258, 1276–1278, 1285–1286,
1289–1290, 1297, 1309, 1336–1337, 1363, 1366,
1383–1384, 1412–1413, 1430,
- Eisenhower–Churchill talks, 1062–1063
- French attitude, analysis of, 1259–1262, 1372–1375, 1405–1407
- Indochina, 1353, 1364–1365, 1417–1418, 1428, 1467–1473
- Laniel visit, 1381–1382
- Mayer visit, 1303–1305, 1311–1312, 1316–1317, 1327–1328, 1331–1334
- Mendès-France visit, 1455–1456
- North Africa, 1311, 1502–1505
- U.S. economic assistance, 575, 1217
- U.S. military assistance (see also
Defense of Europe, contribution to
above), 549, 550,
586–587, 640, 1150–1156,
1158–1160, 1164–1166, 1177–1179, 1237–1238,
1242–1246, 1248–1251, 1269–1270, 1277, 1280–1288, 1300–1302,
1305–1308, 1317, 1326, 1344–1345, 1348–1349,
1352–1355, 1403–1404, 1443–1445
- Agreement re, 1171–1174
- Counterpart funds, 1247, 1255
- Defense support cuts, 472–473, 480
- End-item aid, 1155, 1239, 1264–1265
- European Defense Community ratification and, 536–537, 1149, 1153, 1266–1268, 1298–1300, 1327, 1421, 1436–1438, 1441, 1444
- Expenditure figures, 447–448, 455–456
- French position, 1240–1241, 1251–1252, 1254–1256, 1306, 1349–1350
- Indochina. See Indochina.
- Investment program, 447–448
- Justification for, 502, 512–513, 592
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 1149, 1156, 1238–1239
- North Africa, 1493–1496
- NATO recommendation, 1355
- Off-shore procurement, 448–450, 564, 1152, 1161–1163, 1169, 1172, 1186, 1204–1205, 1208–1236, 1239–1240, 1302–1303, 1340, 1385–1386, 1571–1572
- Suspension of, 1477–1485
- Yugoslavia, 1498–1499
- Franco y Bahamonde, Generalissimo Francisco, 462, 1799–1800, 1929–1933, 1950–1951
- Frank, Isaiah, 329n, 365–366, 388, 409n, 416n
- Franks, Oliver, 733–734, 828–829
- French Expeditionary Corps, 1474–1475
- French-Saar Convention, 1950, 1338
- Freund, Richard B., 1685n, 1689n, 1715n
- Fulbright, J. William, 1
- Fulbright Act, 485
- Fuller, Leon W., 224n, 306–307
- Fulton, James G., 461
- Gaydon, Nigel, 1065
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 386, 1499, 2087, 2090–2091
- Commonwealth economic proposals, 875, 879, 888–889, 925, 942–943
- Commonwealth membership, 874
- European Coal and Steel Community, 87–88, 181, 219, 267, 347–348, 371–373, 399–400, 402, 412
- European Payments Union, 13, 15–16, 18, 24, 70–71
- Japanese participation, 1117–1119
- Most-favored-nation clause, 148
- Geneva Conference on Korea and Indochina, 618, 1026–1028, 1035, 1045, 1068, 1087–1096, 1413, 1467, 1480
- Germany:
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 571, 641
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see
- British position, 675, 899–900, 1031, 1126–1128, 1132, 1135
- Contractual agreements, 469, 482, 639, 649, 661, 663–664, 671–672, 1076–1077, 1080–1081, 1126–1128, 1132, 1135, 1205, 1323–1324
- Court crisis, 199, 250–251, 256
- Defense of Europe, contribution to (see also European Defense Community and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, participation in below), 264, 447, 453–454, 533, 637, 639, 652, 659, 713–714, 737, 761, 1126–1128, 1132, 1159, 1166, 1193–1194
- Defense production, 579, 737
- Demilitarization, 639, 655
- Denmark, relations with, 40
- Economic situation, 217–218, 466
- Eden proposals, 74, 132
- European Coal and Steel Community, 1, 2n, 92, 134, 136–138, 161, 188, 199, 247, 346
- European Code of Military Justice, 117–118
- European Defense Community:
- European Political Community:
- France, relations with, 101, 105, 121, 188, 225, 264, 639–641, 664, 1202, 1206–1207, 1257–1258, 1339, 1390, 1463
- Green Pool, 438, 443
- Italy, relations with, 641, 1703
- Neo-Nazi arrests, 899–900
- Neutrality, 32
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, participation in (see also Defense of Europe, contribution to above), 116, 261, 323, 641, 645, 649, 652–655, 1034, 1071–1072, 1511
- Norway, relations with, 40
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 3, 39–40
- Paris Accords, ratification of, 1463
- Political situation, 123, 314, 649–650, 653, 667, 671–672, 690, 1197
- Rearmament (see also North Atlantic Treaty Organization, participation in above), 600–601, 640, 732, 1076–1077, 1080–1081, 1135, 1146, 1198, 1210
- Ruhr, agreement on, 114
- Soviet Union, relations with, 122–123, 649, 653–655, 659–661, 669–670, 1257
- Totalitarianism, 251
- Unification, 672
- United States, relations with, 639, 672, 1304–1305
- U.S. economic assistance, 575
- U.S. military assistance, 115, 447, 453–454, 466, 572, 590–591
- U.S. position, 643, 1382–1383
- War criminals, 649, 663
- Gerstenmaier, Eugen, 203, 403
- Giacchero, Enzo, 383
- Gibson, William M., 1273n
- Gifford, Walter S.:
- Gleason, S. Everett, 635, 1137, 1623, 1668n, 1978n, 2063–2064
- Glendinning, C. Dillon, 17, 83–84, 369–370, 375n
- Goa, 1742–1747
- Godley, G. McMurtrie, II, 802n, 1384n
- Gonella, Guido, 1566n
- Gordon, David, 447, 452, 456
- Gordon, Lincoln, 2n, 5n, 39n, 154n, 171, 173, 178n, 447–450, 452–458, 1160–1163, 1165n, 1515, 1797–1798, 1799n
- Grandval, Gilbert, 136
- Greece, 91, 113, 438–439, 660, 776, 1589–1590
- Green Pool, 258,
299, 405
- Austrian position, 438–439
- British position, 426, 443
- Commodities, 424, 429, 434–436
- Common market, establishment of, 428, 436, 438–439, 444
- Community of Six, 431–432, 434, 437, 440
- Council of Europe proposal, 418–419
- Danish position, 439
- Dutch position, 424–425, 434–435, 437–438, 443–445
- European Defense Community ratification, 443–444
- European Political Community, 436, 440
- French meeting proposal, 418, 421–424, 425–427
- French position, 425, 432–433, 438, 443
- German Federal Republic position, 438, 443
- Greek position, 438–439
- High Authority, creation of, 426, 431, 433, 434, 442
- Industrial integration and, 438
- Italian position, 438
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, role in, 419, 422, 443
- Paris conference, 429–432, 436
- Planning process, 431–433, 435–437, 442
- Protectionism, 434–435
- Supranationality, 443
- Turkish position, 438–439
- U.S. position, 418–419, 428–429, 439
- U.S. role in, 422–423
- Western European economic integration, 444–445
- Griffis, Stanton, 1784n
- Grotewohl, Otto, 1585
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 459–463, 1097, 1645–1646
- Guatamala, 1075–1076, 1100, 1108, 1121–1122
- Gudmundsson, Kristinn, 1526–1529, 1531–1532
- Guggenheim, M. Rober., 1738n, 1744–1745, 1748n
- Gulick, Clarence S., 1973n
- Guy, Claude, 1507n
- Hagerty, James C., 312–313, 1064–1065, 1073n, 1099–1104, 1114–1115, 1124–1125
- Hains, Col., 1160–1162
- Halaby, Najeeb E., 1232n, 1248n, 1273n
- Hall-Patch, Edmond Leo, 54
- Hallstein, Walter, 318
- Hamilton, William L., 698n, 876n, 1549–1550, 1556n
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 293–294
- Hanes, John W., 1405–1407, 1443
- Harley, Charles, 452, 454
- Harriman, W. Averell, 18–26, 46n, 56–59, 459, 739, 753–754, 788–789, 801, 1142n, 1597–1598, 1600–1601
- Hauge, Jens Christian, 336
- Hayter, William G., 91–92, 109, 111, 121, 140
- Hebbard, William L., 454, 456, 458, 1246n, 1248n
- Henry, Guy V., 2075–2076
- Hensel, H. Struve, 1419n, 1475, 1482, 1495–1496, 1533n, 2142–2143
- Herrmann, Omer W., 421–423
- Herz, Martin F., 1180, 1359
- Hickerson, John D., 2071
- Hickman, John F., 449n
- Hillenbrand, Martin J., 73n, 278–282
- Holmes, Julius C., 140, 864n, 990–991
- Hong Kong, 725, 902
- Hood, Viscount Samuel, 95–96, 99–100
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 1715–1716, 2021
- Hopkinson, Daniel K., 591–593, 1515, 1871n
- Horowitz, Daniel L., 606n, 1689n
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 2104–2105
- Hughes, John C., 676
- Hull, Gen. John Edwin, 768, 1147, 1940
- Hulley, John C., 129
- Humelsine, Carlisle H., 1604
- Humphrey, George M., 333–342, 350, 382–383, 389, 927, 958–960, 1340, 1941–1943, 2089–2091
- Huston, Cloyce K., 1548–1549, 1552–1554, 1558–1560
- Iceland:
- India, 873–875, 925, 937, 990–992, 1052, 1484–1485, 2061–2062
- Indochina:
- Armistice negotiations, 785, 805, 1087–1096, 1119–1120, 1439, 1442n
- British position, 1031, 1033–1034, 1040, 1069–1070, 1129–1130, 1134, 1473–1474
- British-U.S. policy coordination, 780–781, 1062
- Chinese People’s Republic role in, 780, 905, 1332
- Dalat agreements, 1330–1332
- Economic situation, 1337n, 1370
- France (see also U.S. military assistance to France below):
- French-U.S. policy coordination, 1467–1473, 1479–1486, 1488–1492
- Geneva Conference, 618–619, 1027–1028, 1035, 1045, 1068, 1087–1096, 1413, 1467
- Laniel–Navarre Plan, 1395, 1403
- Military situation, 1419–1420
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization military assistance for, 1273–1274, 1278–1279
- Political situation, 1088–1089, 1460, 1469–1471, 1491–1492
- Refugees, 1484–1485
- U.S. intervention, possibility of, 1087–1088, 1371
- U.S. military assistance, 1461–1462, 1475, 1480–1481
- U.S. military asistance to France, 473, 480, 512–514, 515n, 526–527, 529, 533, 536–537, 572–573, 580–581, 584, 586–587, 592, 596, 611, 615, 667, 673, 1217, 1269–1271, 1290–1296, 1298, 1321–1322
- U.S. position, 783, 1122, 1129–1130, 1134, 1203, 1262–1263, 1329, 1341–1342, 1379–1389, 1482, 2068
- Vietnamese forces, 1148, 1152, 1300, 1344–1345, 1348, 1449, 1469, 1476, 1482–1484
- Indonesia, 667, 674
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 1075
- Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration, 542
- International Authority for the Ruhr (IAR), 138, 143, 162
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 233, 392, 509, 510, 715, 727, 938, 952
- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), 147, 437
- International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP), 420, 422
- International Monetary Fund, 81, 879, 888, 942–943, 1029, 1698
- International Security Affairs Committee, 446n
- International Trade Organization, 790
- Iran, 580, 667, 727, 740, 775, 804, 822–824, 838, 894, 1068, 1084
- British position, 664–665, 715, 732–733, 745–746, 823, 825–831, 861, 883, 915, 981–982, 1002
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 732–733, 779–780, 805, 824–827, 838
- Oil issue, 915–917, 920
- Political situation, 823–824, 828–830, 915
- U.S. economic assistance, 822–823, 830
- U.S. military assistance, 616, 822
- U.S. position, 861, 915–919, 981–982
- Ireland:
- Ismay, Lord (Hastings L.), 733
- Israel, 775, 894, 913–914, 1024, 1083–1084
- Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI), 1689–1693, 1701–1702
- Italy (see also
French-Italian proposal
European Political Community; Trieste):
- Economic situation, 650, 674, 1590, 1594–1595, 1634, 1657, 1664–1665, 1678, 1707, 1721
- Eden proposals, 29, 72, 74, 82n
- European Code of Military Justice, 118
- European Coal and Steel Community, 81, 82n, 137, 139
- European Defense Community, 315, 319, 650–652, 674, 1662, 1674, 1694
- European Payments Union, 456, 492
- European Political Community, 279
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 641, 1703
- Green Pool, 438
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1665–1669, 1677–1678, 1680
- Political situation, 673, 1565–1568, 1572–1584, 1588, 1592–1593, 1606–1608,
1610–1613, 1619, 1623–1624,
1630–1634, 1638–1639, 1650,
1652–1654, 1660, 1671, 1705–1706, 1834, 2006
- Anti-Communist program, 1704, 1711, 1713–1715, 1717–1722
- Catholic action, 1574
- Christian Democratic Party, 1567–1568, 1609–1610
- Communist Party. See Partito Communiste Italiano below.
- De Gaspari, death of, 1696–1698
- Nationalization, 1689–1693, 1701–1702
- Partito Communista Italiano (PCI), 611, 641, 650–651, 1565–1567, 1580, 1631–1632, 1637–1638, 1640–1644, 1654–1655, 1657–1658, 1672–1674, 1678–1679, 1693–1694
- Partito Socialista Democratico Italiano (PSDI), 1567
- Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI), 1620–1621
- Socialist Party. See Partito Socialista Italiano above.
- Trieste issue, 1615–1616, 1634–1635, 1639, 1641, 1652
- U.S. military assistance, effects on, 1664
- Population problem, 650, 662
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1584–1587
- Sterling balance, 942
- Trade with the United States, 674
- U.N. membership in, 1579
- United Kingdom, relations with, 1614–1615
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings below), 1591, 1603–1604, 1615–1620, 1624–1629, 1651, 1659, 1661–1663, 1687–1688, 1698–1700, 1717–1718
- U.S. economic assistance, 575, 674, 1683–1685, 1708–1710, 1712–1715, 1721–1722
- U.S. military assistance, 451–452, 456, 529, 587, 606–607, 1302, 1584n, 1590, 1591, 1646–1649, 1676–1677, 1681–1682
- U.S. policy toward, 650, 1569, 1587n, 1629–1630, 1636–1637, 1659–1660, 1663–1664, 1669–1672, 1675–1678, 1680–1681, 1685–1686, 1718–1719, 1715–1716
- Jackson, C.D., 680n, 684, 1399–1401, 1622
- Japan, 659, 661, 716, 726, 783, 938, 1031, 1058, 1117–1119
- Javits, Jacob K., 462–463
- Jernegan, John D., 992–993
- Joint Canadian-U.S. Military Study Group (MSG), 2105–2107, 2127–2128
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1530–1531, 1665–1668, 1734–1735, 1785–1787, 1815–1818, 1902–1903
- Jonasson, Eysteinn, 1532
- Jones, John Wesley, 1652n, 1687–1688, 1689n, 1700–1705, 1711–1713, 1715n, 1747n, 1782–1785, 1804–1809, 1821n, 1850–1852, 1919–1926, 1966n, 1973n, 2016, 2021n
- Jordan, 1083
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 371, 581
- Kaplan, Jacob, 5n, 46n, 622n
- Kehm, Col. Harold D., 1559–1560
- Kem, James P., 460
- Kennan, George F., 644–648, 653–661, 663, 1584–1587
- Kenney, John W., 237, 427–429, 497–500, 515–516
- Kerr, Walter, 1428n
- Key, David McK., 1075–1076
- Keynes, John Maynard, 813
- Kidd, Coburn B., 690n, 1445n
- Kirkpatrick, Ivone A., 691, 1055
- Kissner, Maj. Gen. August W., 1833–1837, 1845n, 1879–1880, 1900
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 256–257, 1229–1230, 2107n
- Knight, Ridgway B., 102–104, 287n, 486–489, 703n, 742, 746n, 774n, 794n, 1175–1179, 1267n, 1273n, 1289n, 1328n, 1341n, 1379–1381, 1389–1391, 1602n, 1630
- Knight, William E., 1620, 1652n, 1685–1686, 1689n, 1715
- Koenig, Marie-Pierre, 1188, 1195–1199
- Korean conflict, 622–623, 661, 743–745, 805, 848, 2054, 2061, 2067–2068, 2079–2080, 2117
- Armistice talks, 780–781, 784–785, 805, 831–833, 1026–1027, 1351
- British position, 715, 725–726, 744–745, 780, 783–784, 906–907, 971, 974, 1027
- Commonwealth position, 990
- Morale issue, 905
- Peace conference, 667
- U.N. role in, 831–832, 906
- U.S. position, 566, 733, 740, 780–782, 904–907, 968–969
- Withdrawal of forces, 1072
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 669
- Korea, Republic of, 615, 1026–1027
- Kranich, Robert H., 456, 458, 622n, 1232n, 1570n, 1747n
- Kyes, Roger M., 359–360, 364, 609–612, 1385–1387, 1949n
- Labouisse, Henry R., Jr., 1166n, 1180–1185, 1375–1376, 1402–1404
- Lange, Harvard M., 32–33, 38, 1762–1763
- Laniel, Joseph, 361, 1358–1359, 1365, 1367–1371, 1388–1389, 1391–1392, 1408–1412
- Laos, 1091, 1122
- Latin America, U.S. technical assistance, 617
- Laurens, Camille, 430, 443
- Lawson, Edward B., 1517–1519, 1529, 1531–1533
- Lawson, George W., Jr., 526–528
- Lawton, Frederick J., 1286–1288
- Lay, James S., Jr., 1537, 1677, 1758, 1937n, 1939n, 2077n, 2101
- Le Pan, Douglas, 2109–2110
- Le Roy de la Tournelle, Guy, 140
- Leddy, John M., 149–150, 154n
- Lee, Frank, 874, 929, 942, 945–946, 949, 951
- Lemass, Sean, 1561–1562
- Lequerica, Jose Felix de, 1918
- Letourneau, Jean, 1217, 1330–1332, 1348
- Levy-Hawes, Lt. Maurice, 448–450, 606n, 1570n, 1602n, 1747n
- Lewis, Jeffrey W., 589n
- Libya, 1458
- Linder, Harold F., 293–294, 961, 1604–1605
- Lisbon Conference. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Ninth Session.
- Lloyd, David D., 746n, 774n, 846n
- Lloyd, John Selwyn, 1027, 1055
- Locarno Pact, 1078, 1083
- Locker, Melville E., 1337n
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1107–1111
- London Conference, 1951, 403, 1059, 1451, 1453, 1462n
- London Nine-Power Conference (Sept. 1954), 1057
- Lovett, Robert A., 739, 743, 763–765, 767, 769, 777, 848, 861, 1512–1513, 1515n, 1880n
- Luce, Clare Booth, 1605, 1621n, 1653, 1717n
- Luce, Henry B., 1662
- Luns, Joseph M.A.H., 322–323
- Luxembourg, 81, 137, 139, 178, 346–347, 470, 591, 738, 741
- Lyons, Daniel M., 5n, 372n, 444n
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 287, 1071–1073, 1186–1200, 1259–1260, 1338n, 1341n, 1344n, 1364, 1381n, 1383n, 1407–1410, 1431–1436, 1448n, 1595
- McBride, Robert H., 1334n, 1337n
- McCaffery, Richard S., Jr., 1849n, 1859n
- McCarran, Pat, 1784, 1807
- McCarran–Walters Immigration Act, 650, 1374, 2133
- McCarthy, Joseph, 1406–1407
- McCarthyism, 998, 1000, 1372–1374, 1405–1406, 1765, 1768, 1771
- McClellan, John D., 564n
- McCloy, John J., 2n
- MacKay, R.A., 2058–2059
- McMahon, Brien, 1, 695–698
- McMahon Act, 1019–1020
- MacVeagh, Lincoln:
- McWilliams, William J., 881–885
- Makins, Roger M., 169, 756–757, 774, 827, 829–831, 898, 901, 903, 1091, 1116–1117, 1119–1120
- Malaya, 537, 1031, 1040
- Malenkov, Georgiy Maksimilianovich, 668
- Manila Pact (see also Southeast Asia Treaty Organization), 1459, 1483, 1488–1489
- Mansholt, S.L., 258
- Margolies, Daniel F., 418n, 454
- Marjolin, Robert Ernest, 31, 43, 76
- Marjoribanks, James A.M., 190, 195
- Marshall Plan, 8, 11, 37, 385, 505, 524–525, 550, 553, 663, 695–697, 1831, 2057
- Martin, Edwin M., 65–67, 81n, 465–466, 479–481, 535–540, 1232, 1246n, 1248n, 1273n, 1283–1285, 1344n, 1556n, 1933n
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 1618n
- Martin, Pierre, 420
- Martin, William McChesney, 19, 24
- Martin Artajo, Alberto, 1819–1823, 1828–1831, 1866–1868, 1895, 1923–1929, 1952–1954
- Martinez Barrio, Diego, 1777
- Martino, Gaetano, 1717–1718
- Materials Policy Commission, 218, 499, 931
- Matthews, Francis P., 1547–1550, 1554
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 241n, 331–332, 580, 698n, 703–704, 765, 809n, 876n, 896–897, 900–901, 903, 968n, 1146–1148, 1445n, 1578–1579, 1871n, 1906–1910, 1911n, 1948–1949
- Mayer, André, 1316–1317
- Mayer, René, 1289, 1296–1297, 1316, 1319–1321, 1327–1332, 1338, 1340–1344, 1357–1358
- Meloy, Francis E., Jr., 89n, 217n
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 403–404, 410, 411, 1059–1060, 1093, 1379–1381, 1416–1418, 1428–1431, 1434–1436, 1457–1468, 1470–1477, 1479–1506
- Menzies, Robert G., 988–989, 1010
- Merchant, Livingston T.,
383–384, 416, 417n, 447, 450–452, 455, 511n, 667, 685, 1073n,
1117, 1165n, 1328n, 1334n, 1344n, 1427n, 1445n, 1448n, 1458–1459, 1486–1487, 1497–1501, 1620n, 1646n, 1717n, 2088n
- British relations with the United States, 991–992, 1123–1124, 1131
- Canada, 2097n, 2107–2108, 2121n, 2138–2139
- European Defense Community, 677–678, 1393
- France, 1162, 1393, 1404–1405, 1457–1458, 1460–1462, 1494, 1509
- Iceland, 1527–1529
- Portugal, 1742, 1755–1757
- Spain, 1947–1948
- Western Europe, 688, 690–692
- Mesta, Perle, 180–181, 238–240, 265–271
- Middle East, 537,
667, 711, 804, 920
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 913–914, 1083–1084
- British position, 647–648, 714–715, 726–727, 738, 740–742, 775–776, 838, 894, 1070
- British-U.S. policy coordination, 735–736, 778–779, 991, 993–994
- Defense of, 909, 1070, 1310–1311, 1500
- French policy toward, 1335–1336
- U.S. position, 616, 647–648, 737, 741–742, 838
- Middle East Command, 727, 775–779, 804, 809–812
- Middle East Defense Organization (MEDO), 894, 914–915, 918, 1310, 1335–1336
- Middle East Treaty Organization (METO), 1083, 1104
- Middleton, Drew, 824
- Millar, John Y., 677n, 685n, 1847n, 1879n, 1883n
- Minotto, James, 1732–1734
- Mixed Board on War Criminals, 649, 663
- Moe, Finn, 274
- Mollet, Guy, 45, 341–342, 362, 403
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 1035–1037, 1053, 1399–1401
- Monnet, Jean:
- Montesi, Wilma, 1672n, 1673n, 1706
- Montini, Giovanni B., 2015
- Moore, Ben T., 259–260, 312–313, 322n, 329n, 351n, 372n, 388, 417n, 576–578, 603n, 629–630, 1273n, 1337n, 1344n, 1881–1883, 2139n
- Moreland, Allen B., 589, 1966n
- Morocco. See North Africa.
- Morse–Long report, 1520–1521
- Morton, Thruston B., 375–377, 1604
- Mosadeq, Mohammad, 822–827
- Mulcahy, Gen. R., 1563–1564
- Murphy, Charles, 2025, 2030–2031, 2044
- Murphy, Robert D., 33n, 1445n, 1746n, 2015, 2016n, 2021n
- Mutter, André, 231
- Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee (MAAC), 446–459, 1797–1798, 1824
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 465, 514, 517, 562, 577, 580, 594–595, 599, 604, 611, 614, 625, 630, 633–634, 1004, 1006, 1448, 1455
- Mutual Security Acts. See under Congress, U.S.: Acts.
- Mutual Security Agency, 30–32, 38, 54, 65, 87–88, 127–128, 150, 511–513, 1293
- Mutual Security Appropriations Acts. See under Congress, U.S.: Acts.
- Mutual Security Program (see also
U.S. military assistance
Western Europe), 463–464, 507, 509, 550, 553, 612–613, 624–628, 1078, 1273
- Agricultural commodities, 569–570, 618
- Defense support cuts, 462–463, 622–623, 999
- Extension of, 459–460, 540–542
- Force levels, 630–635
- Korean conflict, 622–623
- 1955 program, 582–588, 593–597, 614–618
- 1956 program, 624–629
- Off-shore procurement, 448, 1570–1572
- Opposition to, 560
- U.S. policy toward, 1421–1422
- Nash, Frank C., 1142n, 1147–1150, 1246n, 1248n, 1385–1387, 1649, 1935n, 1955n
- National Advisory Council, 83–86
- National Intelligence Estimates, NIE 63/1, 1393–1396
- National Security Council, 1323–1325
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 990–991, 1087
- Nenni, Pietro, 1584–1586, 1620–1621
- Netherlands:
- Economic situation, 674
- Eden proposals, 185
- European Coal and Steel Community, 1, 137–139, 146, 223
- European Code of Military Justice, 118
- European Defense Community, 141, 223, 322–323, 443–444, 675, 738, 762, 798–799
- European Payments Union, 54, 439–440
- European Political Community, 132, 141, 180–181, 184, 192, 201–202, 223, 257–258, 299, 321–323, 326, 330, 439–440
- Green Pool, 424–425, 434–435, 437–438, 443–445
- Indonesia, 674
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 675, 738, 741
- U.S. coal imports, 373, 398
- U.S. military assistance, 477–478, 480, 487, 591
- New York Power Authority, 2030–2031, 2053
- New Zealand (see also ANZUS), 991
- Newman, George S., 528n, 625–628
- Nitze, Paul H., 528n, 532–534, 808, 826–827, 968n, 1146, 1148–1150
- Nixon, Richard M., 1670–1671, 1944
- Nolting, Frederick E., 363n, 579–580, 589–591, 593–598, 603–605, 623, 1448n
- North Africa, 648–649, 1201–1202, 1271–1272, 1276–1278, 1311, 1395–1396, 1493–1497, 1502–1505
- North Atlantic Council (NAC), 272, 651, 1347
- North Atlantic Ocean Regional Planning Group, 1512
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (see
Atlantic Community; Defense
U.S. military assistance
Western Europe), 948, 990
- Aircraft production, 1218–1220
- Annual review, 50, 554, 799, 1726
- Arms standardization, 716, 723, 767–769, 804, 838–839, 1386
- Atlantic Command, 722, 770–773, 793–794, 804, 839, 844, 847–851, 856–857, 860–861
- Balkan pact, 1336
- Belgian position, 33, 738, 741
- British defense contribution, 461, 722, 867–869, 1011–1012
- British position, 197, 713, 1103–1104
- Buildup requirements, 545, 551–554, 581, 627, 630, 651–653, 1348
- Canada, 2051, 2054–2056, 2079–2082
- Command structure, 1190–1192, 1324–1325, 1361
- Committee of Five, 4
- Communism in member countries, 1643–1646
- Community of Six, participation in, 225–227, 264
- Council of Europe, 28
- Dutch position, 675, 738, 741
- Economic field, 243–245
- European Defense Community, 73, 226, 264, 461, 601, 897, 920, 1166
- European Payments Union, 70
- European Political Community, 272
- Extension of, 892, 897–899, 2069
- French defense contribution, 1140–1145
- French role in, 1190–1192, 1324–1325, 1339–1340, 1361
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation in, (see also Defense of Europe, contribution to under Germany, Federal Republic of), 116, 261, 323, 641, 645, 649, 652–655, 660, 1034, 1071–1072, 1511
- Greek participation in, 776–777
- Iceland, 1528, 1537–1540
- Indochina, 1273–1274, 1278–1279
- Italian role in, 1665–1669, 1677–1678, 1680
- Luxembourg position, 738, 741
- Member parliaments, 244–245
- Mutual Security Program, 494–496
- Ninth Session, Lisbon, 9, 11, 33–34, 46
- North Africa, 1191–1192, 1494–1495, 1503–1505
- Off-shore procurement, 515, 609
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 3, 5n, 7, 46, 226, 405, 753, 756
- Portuguese defense contribution, 1724, 1726–1728, 1741–1742
- Reorganization of, 716–717, 721–722, 752–754, 756–757, 801, 803–804, 845, 1501
- Scandinavia, 1762–1763
- Seat of, 38, 752–753, 801, 803
- Spain:
- Standing Group, 662–663
- Strategy, 662–663
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Forces, Europe, 753, 756–757
- Technical information exchange, 707–709
- Temporary Council Committee, 453, 456, 650, 761–762, 1169
- Turkish participation in, 776–777
- U.S. assistance to Europe, role in, 131, 532, 536, 544, 547, 551, 595, 1493
- U.S. position, 243–246, 659, 676, 1000
- Western European political integration, role in, 3–4, 92, 112, 243–244, 713
- Norton, William, 1564
- Norway, 40, 274, 645, 1771
- Nugent, Julian, 2141–2142
- Nutting, Anthony, 273
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 991n, 992n, 1617n
- O’Day, Burnita, 306
- Oen, Gen. Bjarne A., 1518–1519
- Ohly, John H., 582–588, 1246n, 1248n, 1273n, 1288, 1597n, 1871n
- Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission, 2040
- Operations Coordinating Board, 1542–1546, 1985
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 3, 8–11, 37, 42, 65, 80, 249
- Agricultural productivity, 429
- Belgian position, 33–34, 42
- British participation in, 76, 78, 79, 713
- British position, 2–3, 30–33, 37, 39, 42, 47–48, 50, 53–54, 65–66, 76–77, 86, 958
- Chairmanship issue, 76–79
- Coal, 105, 162, 268–269
- Committee of Five, 4
- Commonwealth economic proposals, 880–881, 931, 957–958
- Community of Six, 225–227, 264
- European Coal and Steel Community, 104, 106, 162, 213, 298
- European Defense Community, 264
- European Payments Union, 8–9, 31, 50–51, 79–81, 84, 957–958
- Financial stability, 31, 46, 50, 60
- French position, 32, 422, 1337
- German Federal Republic membership in, 3, 30–40
- Green Pool, 419, 422, 443
- Italy, 1684–1685, 1719–1720
- Most-favored-nation clause, 148
- Norwegian position, 32–33, 38, 40, 42
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 3, 5n, 7, 50, 226, 405, 753, 756
- Possible crisis in, 53–54
- Production, 10, 46, 57, 336
- Revitalization of, 42–43
- Saar issue, 137
- Technical assistance, 597
- Trade liberalization, 6, 31, 46, 51, 943
- United States, relations with, 30, 80, 276, 300, 323, 404–405, 959
- U.S. economic assistance, 32, 37, 44, 131, 485
- U.S. position, 37–40, 65–67, 365–366
- Organization of American States, 1075–1076, 1108
- Organization of Markets for Agricultural Projects, 436
- Oulashin, Eric E., 168–170
- Overby, Andrew N., 21
- Pace, Frank, 767–769
- Page, Edward, 1645
- Pakistan, 873, 915, 937, 992
- Paley, William S., 931n
- Paley Commission, 218, 499, 931
- Palmer, Joseph, II, 334–337, 363n, 375n, 378n, 409n, 416n
- Paris, Jacques-Camille, 203–204
- Paris Accords, 1453, 1462–1463
- Parodi, Alexandre, 1425
- Parsons, James Graham, 86–89, 130n, 142n, 170–174, 178n, 287n, 1142n, 1798–1799, 1871n
- Patterson, Richard C., 6–7
- Pearson, Drew, 2002
- Pearson, Lester B., 1131, 1461, 2030–2031, 2067–2072, 2086–2087, 2089–2091, 2109–2110, 2115, 2117, 2122, 2136–2138
- Pella, Giuseppe, 650, 673–674, 1594, 1630, 1650
- Penfield, James K., 862–864
- Perkins, George W., 2n, 39n, 46n, 54, 142n, 154n, 178n, 191–193, 237n, 481–482, 652–653, 660, 662, 809n, 831–832, 876n, 1142n, 1232n, 1251n, 1516, 1796n, 1800n, 1871n
- Permanent Joint Board on Defense—United States and Canada (PJBD), 2033–2034, 2048–2050, 2076
- Peterson, A.F., 2054–2057, 2064n, 2085n
- Pflimlin, Pierre, 421–423
- Philippines, U.S. military assistance, 615
- Phillips, Ruth H., 289–290, 324, 329n, 392, 397
- Phleger, Herman, 1955n
- Pieck, Wilhelm, 1585
- Pinay, Antoine, 96–98, 1179, 1186–1187, 1214, 1225–1226, 1236, 1289, 1390–1391
- Pius XII, 2010, 2014
- Platt, Edward G., 1618–1620
- Pleven, René, 361, 1139–1140, 1208–1210, 1212–1213, 1219, 1223–1224, 1226, 1232, 1260–1266, 1347–1351, 1353, 1356, 1385–1388
- Plowden, Edwin, 940
- Poland, 1116–1117
- Polk, Judd, 786n, 813n
- Porter, Gen., 1491
- Porter, Paul R., 8–11, 30–33, 37, 42–43, 170, 511–514, 1781–1782
- Portugal:
- Azores Base Agreement with the United States, 1738, 1741, 1745, 1748–1751, 1753–1757
- Economic situation, 938
- European Payments Union, 53–55, 57, 60
- Goa, 1742–1747
- India, relations with, 1742–1747
- United States, relations with, 1723, 1735–1737
- U.S. military assistance, 590, 1723–1727, 1728–1735, 1739–1742, 1747–1748, 1751
- Potthoff, Heinz, 383
- President’s Materials Policy Commission. See Paley Commission.
- Proehl, Paul O., 1519–1522, 1533n, 1536n
- Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe, 484
- Psychological warfare, 245, 678–681, 683, 1000
- Rabenold, Elwood M., 1742n, 1746n
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 635, 1030–1032, 1533n, 1665–1670, 1675
- Rand, William M. 308–312, 354–355, 364, 378n, 383, 1676
- Randall, Clarence B., 612
- Randall Commission, 371n, 405, 612–613, 1010
- Raynor, G. Hayden, 39n, 236n, 876n, 877–878, 1073–1074, 1273n, 1514–1515, 1520–1525, 1533n, 1536–1537, 1557–1558, 2058, 2108–2110
- Reams, R. Borden, 6
- Red Nacional de Ferro-Carriles del Estado (RENFE), 1917
- Reinstein, Jacques J., 579
- Reynaud, Paul, 361
- Ribicoff, Abraham, 460, 463
- Ricard, Pierre, 52
- Richards, James P., 461–463, 528n
- Richards Amendment. See under Congress, U.S.: Acts: Mutual Security Act, 1952.
- Rickett, D.H., 701–702
- Riddleberger, James W., 154n, 171, 178n, 528n, 1339
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 1265–1266
- Riley, Roderick H., 465–466
- Robertson, Gen. Brian, 874
- Robertson, Walter S., 1094, 1112–1114, 1117, 1120–1121, 1448n, 1472, 1489
- Rogers, Charles E., 1521, 1533n, 1755n, 1859n, 1911n, 1913n, 1958n
- Roijen, Jean Herman van, 323
- Rome Conference on the European Political Community, 321–322, 324–329
- Ronhovde, Andreas G., 5n, 1515, 1760n
- Rosenberg case, 1615, 1617–1618
- Rountree, William M., 821–831
- Rowan, Leslie, 788, 815–816, 818–821, 826, 937–938, 951, 958
- Ruffner, Gen., 1161
- Ruhr. See International Authority for the Ruhr.
- Rutter, Peter, 490–491
- Saar, 29, 40–41, 64, 296, 1003n
- SACLANT. See Atlantic Command under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- St. Laurent, Louis S., 2037–2043, 2059, 2066, 2088–2092, 2114
- St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project. See under Canada.
- Sainteny, Jean, 1490n
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 1753
- Sandys, Duncan, 406–407
- Santos Costa, Lt. Col. Fernando dos, 1739–1740, 1748n
- Saragat, Giuseppe, 1620
- Saudi Arabia, 892–893, 1068, 1084
- Savage, Carlton, 2107n
- Sawyer, Rosalind, 321–322, 324
- Scelba, Mario, 1640–1642, 1650, 1661–1662, 1672–1674, 1683, 1685n, 1713, 1720–1722
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 150, 217n
- Schelling, Thomas C., 449–450, 458, 571–573, 1246n, 1248n, 1290–1296
- Schine, G. David, 998
- Schneider, J. Thomas, 20–22, 24, 26, 85
- Schuman, Robert, 95, 109, 120, 133, 137, 185–186, 194, 1170, 1174n, 1226, 1289–1290
- Schuman Plan. See European Coal and Steel Community.
- Schumann, Maurice, 133–134
- Science Advisory Committee, 707–709
- Scott, Joseph W., 53–60
- Scott, Walter K., 5n, 323–333, 576n, 1382n, 1618–1620
- Sharpe, Willard D., 1747n
- Sheppard, William J., 494n, 1824n
- Shullaw, J. Harold, 282–284
- Silvercruys, Baron, 33n
- Simmons, John F., 1605–1606
- Simpson, Richard M., 2083n
- Simpson Bill, 2083–2084, 2087, 2089
- Six Countries. See Community of Six.
- Slater, Joseph E., 515
- Slim, Field Marshal Sir William, 769, 777
- Smith, Douglas B., 368
- Smith, Rear Adm. Harold P., 1911n
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 322–323, 444, 528–532, 685–687, 910–911, 916, 1012n, 1108, 1922n, 2017n, 2108n
- Snyder, John W., 19–26, 85, 738–739, 779–780, 786–788, 790
- South Africa, 959
- South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 1043–1044, 1070, 1083, 1104, 1459, 1480, 1483, 1488–1489
- Southard, Frank A., Jr., 23, 85
- Southeast Asia (see also Indochina), 667, 738, 741–742, 780–781, 1031
- Soutou, Jean, 411, 1507
- Soviet Union:
- Atomic weapons, 667, 724, 1017–1018
- Austria, 539, 659–660, 670, 840–841, 1041, 1044
- Beria case, 667, 671
- Bermuda Conference, 986
- British policy toward (see also United Kingdom below), 712, 724–725, 736, 740, 844, 987, 1001, 1015–1016, 1024, 1056–1057, 1136
- China, People’s Republic of, 669, 743–744, 1040
- Doctors’ plot, 971
- Eastern Europe, 669, 680, 1024
- Economic reforms, 668–669, 681
- Foreign policy, 659–660, 669–671, 986–987, 1335
- Four-Power Conference proposal (see also Berlin Conference), 1004, 1031–1032, 1039, 1041, 1051, 1097–1099, 1379, 1392, 1397, 1440–1441:
- France, 1256–1259, 1343, 1346–1347, 1477–1478
- German unification, 121, 638–639, 646, 659–661, 669–670, 682, 1399–1401, 1585–1586
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 669–670, 692
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 649, 653–655, 1257
- Greece 669
- Iceland, 1525, 1539–1540, 1546
- Indochina, 785, 805
- Italy, 1573, 1579, 1584–1587
- Japan, 659–660
- Korea, Democratic Republic of, 669
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 243–244, 644–645
- Post-Stalin changes, 667–669, 681–682, 966, 968–969, 971–974
- Spain, 1943
- Trade with the United States, 652–653
- Turkey, 669
- United Kingdom, relations with (see also British policy toward above and Four-Power Conference proposal above), 639, 695, 964, 975–976
- United States, relations with, 644–646, 659–660, 667, 972–973
- Atomic energy proposals, 1017–1018
- British position, 964, 970–974
- Disarmament, 974
- Eisenhower speech, 967–975
- Germany, 659–661
- U.S. policy toward, 242–245, 524, 637, 640–642, 644, 646, 658–660, 673, 712, 736–737, 1013–1014, 1017–1018, 1044, 1046–1048, 1136, 1308, 1373–1374, 1399–1402, 1432, 1766
- War with the United States, possible, 654, 661–662, 770, 844, 1015–1016
- Yugoslavia, 669, 671, 683
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 91, 187–188, 192–193, 211, 274, 286, 696–697
- Spain:
- Catholicism in, 1799–1800
- Economic situation, 1967–1968, 1971, 1974–1975, 1977, 1981–1982, 1995–2001
- Franco, U.S. support for, 462
- Joint U.S. Military Group (JUSMG), 1789–1790, 1803, 1879–1880, 1883, 1906–1908, 1935–1936, 1962
- NATO membership, 1819, 1909–1910, 1965, 1983
- Neutrality, 1830–1832, 1867
- Political situation, 177, 1981–1982
- Soviet policy toward, 1943
- U.N. membership, 1983–1984
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings below), 1799–1800, 1820–1822, 1865–1866, 1917–1918, 1923, 1929, 1932–1933, 1941, 1952–1954
- U.S. economic assistance, 575, 1782–1785, 1854, 1968–1972, 1991–1993
- U.S. military assistance, 487, 572,
587, 590, 592, 597, 620, 1797–1798,
1801–1803, 1859, 1836, 1883,
1892–1894, 1906, 1981, 1990–1991
- Agreement re, 1869–1870, 1887–1898, 1903–1905, 1919–1920, 1924–1925, 1936–1937, 1940–1941, 1946–1947, 1957–1958, 1960
- Defense support cuts, 537
- Funding for, 1915–1917, 1921–1922, 1934–1935, 1942–1943
- Legal basis for, 1837–1838
- NATO priorities re, 1798–1799, 1802
- Program for, 1812–1815, 1824–1828, 1838–1841, 1906–1910, 1935–1936, 1963–1964, 1966
- Public relations problems re, 1781–1782
- Spanish position, 1790–1791, 1822–1823, 1833, 1849, 1851–1852, 1855–1858, 1860–1864, 1871–1872, 1876–1881, 1895–1899, 1930–1932
- U.S. position, 1863, 1872–1875, 1887–1892, 1911–1912
- U.S. military facilities:
- Agreement re, 1869–1870, 1884, 1887–1898, 1903–1905, 1919–1920, 1924–1925, 1936–1937, 1940–1941, 1946–1947, 1957–1960, 1986–1987, 1989–1990
- Command structure, 1913–1915, 1948–1949
- Counterpart funds, 1797, 1806, 1809–1811, 1827–1828, 1841, 1961–1962
- Economic effects of, 1801
- Funding for, 1806–1807, 1933, 1942, 1949
- Negotiations re, 1828–1833, 1846, 1851–1854, 1866–1868, 1878, 1884–1886, 1893, 1899–1904, 1922–1923, 1926–1929, 1937–1940, 1947–1948, 1950–1957
- Requirements for, 1785–1792, 1800–1801, 1804, 1807–1808, 1815–1818, 1835–1837, 1842–1843
- Spanish position, 1833–1834, 1844–1845, 1858, 1860–1864, 1877, 1904
- Strategic importance, 1882–1883, 1940, 1943–1944, 1946, 1980–1981
- U.S. position, 1891, 1941–1945
- U.S. technical assistance, 1794–1795, 1807, 1840
- U.S. policy toward, 1965–1966, 1979–1980, 1984–1985, 1993–1994
- Western European defense, participation, 1782, 1821–1822, 1830, 1872–1873, 1882, 1890–1891, 1896–1898, 1930, 1938, 1988–1989
- Spalding, Francis L., 89n, 322n, 1800n
- Sparkman, John, 1
- Spierenburg, Dirk P., 213, 267, 270, 406–407, 410, 411
- Spinelli, Altiero, 90–91
- Spofford, Charles M., 48–49
- Spry, Maj. Gen. James W., 1784n
- Spry report, 1784–1786
- Staats, Elmer B., 1985
- Stabler, Wells, 809–812
- Stalin, Josef, 986, 1585–1586
- Stassen, Harold E., 323, 336, 341, 528, 534–535, 540–542, 598, 633–634, 958, 960, 1506, 1955n
- Steel industry (see also European Coal and Steel Community), 758, 1056
- Sterling area:
- Balance of payments, 862–863, 878–879
- Balance of trade, 816
- Convertibility, 862, 864
- Dollar reserves, 813–815, 944
- Economic situation, 818–820, 994
- External sterling, 943–944, 946
- Finance problems, 937–939, 941
- Gold reserves, 813–815, 1010
- International Monetary Fund, 879
- Investment, 817–818, 864, 930, 938, 1010
- Quantitative restrictions, 943
- Raw materials, 945
- Stewart, Major Gen. G.C., 611–612, 1642n, 1649
- Stikker, Dirk U., 31, 38, 42, 48n, 53–60, 80–81, 137, 141, 184
- Stinebower, Leroy D., 20, 23
- Strauss, Lewis L., 1096–1097
- Strong, L. Corrin, 1768n, 1775–1776
- Struye, Paul, 403
- Stuart, R. Dougla., 1131, 2099–2100, 2121–2123, 2128–2130, 2132–2133
- Sudan, 714–715, 732, 778, 809–812, 908
- Suez Canal. See under Egypt.
- Sufrin, Sidney C., 1778n, 1794
- Sufrin report, 1778–1781
- Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (SACLANT). See Atlantic Command under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe (SHAPE), 92, 115, 117, 244, 420, 462–463, 549, 651, 753, 756–757, 1142, 1160, 1195, 1263, 1336
- Sweden:
- Denmark, relations with, 40
- Economic situation, 294
- Eden proposals, 41, 77–78
- European Coal and Steel Community, 392
- European Defense Community, 41
- European Payments Union, 53–55, 57, 60
- Neutrality of, 3–4, 32, 77
- Norway, relations with, 40
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 3–4, 39–40
- United States, relations with, 1758–1761, 1776
- Switzerland:
- Sydney Conference. See Commonwealth Finance Ministers conference.
- Tabouis, Geneviève, 97–98
- Taft, William Howard, III, 1562–1564
- Tannenwald, Theodore, 260, 1288
- Tarchiani, Alberto, 1572–1573, 1578–1579, 1588–1591, 1605–1606, 1703–1704
- Tasca, Henry J., 43–44, 441, 1699–1700, 1718–1719
- Tate, Jack B., 2074
- Taviani, Paolo Emilio, 319, 1653–1655, 1688n
- Taylor, Myron C., 2003n, 2006–2010
- Teitgen, Pierre-Henri, 270, 320, 361, 403
- Teitgen–Adenauer agreement, 1486
- Terrenoire, Louis, 98
- Terry, Carroll M., 1986–1991
- Tesoro, George A., 491–494, 1711, 1915n
- Thailand, 615, 1040, 1120–1121, 1419
- Theilen, Col. Bernard, 452, 454, 457, 458
- Thorp, Williard L., 59–60, 85, 218, 700–701, 807, 813–814, 819–821
- Thurston, Ray L., 968
- Ticoulat, G.J., 757–759, 790–792, 835–836
- Timmons, B.E.L., 1317–1319
- Tito, Josip Broz, 671
- Tittman, Harold H., 2017–2021
- Tizard, Henry, 706–707
- Tomlinson, William M., 111–118, 121, 154n, 161, 163–165, 182–190, 195–197, 356–358, 1326–1327
- Toner, Joseph S., 544n
- Torp, Osca., 1761, 1772
- Trade unions, 147, 433, 437, 648–649, 940, 1692–1693, 1695, 1702, 1782
- Train, George F., 1837–1841, 1861–1862, 1878–1879, 1900, 1921
- Trieste, 1573, 1703–1704
- Trulock, Walter N., 685n
- Truman, Harry S., 459, 767, 769, 779–780, 2063n
- Atomic weapons, 763–765
- Canada, 2024–2025, 2029–2031, 2036, 2045–2046, 2048n, 2064–2065
- East-West relations, 849, 851–852, 854–857
- European Defense Force, 797, 800–801
- Far East, 734, 780–781, 786, 805, 853–854
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 770–771, 773, 793, 801, 847, 857
- Spain, 1799, 1866
- Truman–Churchill talks, 694, 699–700, 702–703, 705–706, 719, 837–839, 850–852
- United Kingdom, 734, 748–750, 755, 795–797, 802, 858–859, 885–886
- Vatican, 2003–2006, 2010n, 2011n
- Tunisia, 1457
- Turkey, 645, 992, 1082
- Tyler, William R., 1437n, 1509n
- Ulver, Henri, 410
- Undén, Osten, 29, 41
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom (see also
Commonwealth; Eden, Anthony: Proposals for Western European political
integration; Sterling area):
- ANZUS Council, 882–883
- Atlantic Command, 770–773, 793–794, 847–851, 860–861
- Atlantic Community, 728, 856–857
- Atomic weapons, 736, 745, 1015–1018, 1031, 1033, 1049, 1067, 1071, 1110
- Austria, 639, 841
- Canada, relations with, 843, 1131
- China, People’s Republic of, 675, 715–716, 740, 783–784, 805, 903–904, 920–921, 1041–1044, 1056, 1109–1110, 1113
- Commonwealth, 66, 875–877, 1067
- Commonwealth economic proposals, 878–879, 881, 922–928
- Community of Six, 215–216, 227, 642
- Council of Europe, 28, 41–42, 113–114, 197, 215
- Defense production, 773–774, 801–802
- Economic situation (see also
Commonwealth economic proposals), 501, 647, 720, 728–729, 739, 747–748, 754–755, 787–788, 807, 937, 994
- Agricultural commodities, 936, 941
- Balance of payments, 862–863
- Balance of trade, 959
- Coal production, 717
- Commonwealth Finance Ministers Conference, 862–864
- Convertibility, 862, 875, 884–885, 934–935, 939, 945, 1009–1010, 2070
- Defense program, 868–870, 1004–1006
- European Payments Union, 814, 819
- Exports, 935–936, 942, 945–946
- Housing, 936–937, 939
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 942
- Quantitative restrictions, 31, 942
- Raw materials, 749–751, 817
- Reserves, 865–867, 925, 1005
- Savings, 938–939
- Sterling balance, 808, 813
- Stockpile program, 818
- U.S. military assistance, 520–521
- Egypt (see also Middle East below), 732, 778–779, 809–812, 861, 894, 975, 1002, 1024, 1045, 1100, 1105–1107
- European Coal and Steel Community:
- Association with, 72, 74, 82,
87, 91–92, 107, 153–154, 164–166, 168, 176–177, 214–216, 219–222, 387
- Commercial policy, 148, 235–236, 240, 344, 347, 406–407, 410, 412
- Draft treaty, 413–414
- European Defense Community ratification, 91, 341–342, 348
- French position, 91, 160, 253, 411
- Institutional structure, 220, 227, 239–240, 263, 407–409
- Labor questions, 169
- U.S. position, 227, 247, 347–349, 696–697, 713
- Seat of institutions, 133, 136, 140
- Association with, 72, 74, 82,
87, 91–92, 107, 153–154, 164–166, 168, 176–177, 214–216, 219–222, 387
- European Defense Community:
- European Payments Union, 958
- European Political Community, 191, 194, 197
- Far East, 725–726, 890–891, 893
- Foreign policy, 121, 639, 984, 1066–1067, 1614–1615
- Formosa, 885
- France, relations with, 175, 895, 898, 1024–1025, 1062, 1440
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 639, 675, 691, 899–900, 1005–1006, 1031, 1126–1128, 1132, 1135
- Green Pool, 426, 443
- India, 1024, 1031
- Indochina, 1031, 1033–1034, 1040, 1119–1120, 1129–1130, 1134, 1473–1474
- Iran, 664–665, 715, 732–733, 745–746, 779–780, 823, 825–831, 861, 883, 915, 981–982, 1002
- Israel, 1024
- Italy, 1614–1615
- Japan, 843–844
- Korea, 715, 725–726, 744–745, 780, 783–784, 906–907, 971, 974, 1027
- Middle East (see also Egypt above), 647–648, 714–715, 726–727, 738, 740–742, 775–776, 838, 894, 1070
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2–3, 28, 54, 65–66, 197, 450, 652, 752–754, 756–757, 1103–1104
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 2–3, 30–33, 53–54, 65–66, 76–77
- Polish immigrants, 1116–1117
- Political situation, 110, 647, 675, 875, 1005, 1025, 1050, 1054–1055
- Saudi Arabia, 892–893
- Southeast Asia, 726, 742, 785, 1023, 1026, 1031, 1068–1070, 1083, 1094–1096, 1128–1129, 1480
- Soviet Union, relations with (see also Four-power conference under Soviet Union), 639, 695, 724, 964, 975–976, 1015–1017, 1056–1057
- Spain, 1941
- Suez Canal dispute. See Egypt above.
- Trieste, 893
- United States, relations with (see
Atomic weapons
above and U.S. subheadings below), 123, 675, 720–721, 724, 876–877, 977, 1035, 1098, 1117
- Acheson–Eden talks, 698, 877
- Acheson visit, 865, 870
- Anglo-American Financial Agreement, 790
- Arms standardization, 723
- Atomic Energy Agreement, 1943, 1020
- British public opinion, 890–891, 986, 997–1002, 1025
- Butler–Eden talks, 887–888, 890–893, 921–922, 1009
- China, People’s Republic of, 1041–1044
- Churchill speech, 986
- Churchill visit, 882–885, 1036, 1061–1066, 1069–1071, 1076, 1099–1104, 1114–1115
- Communiqué proposal, 988–989
- Confidentiality, 983–984
- Defense production, 801–802
- Economic cooperation, 820–821
- Eisenhower–Churchill correspondence, 964–983, 995–996, 1012–1022, 1036–1048, 1056–1060
- European Defense Community, 897
- Foreign policy coordination, 988–989, 1032, 1047–1048, 1073
- Egypt, 714–715, 726–727, 778–779, 848, 908–909, 912, 917–918, 992, 1031, 1126–1127
- Far East, 724–726, 738, 743–745, 784, 833–835, 838, 882–883, 891, 893, 906, 984, 991–994, 1031
- Iran, 779–780, 828–831, 916
- Middle East, 646–648, 745, 778–779, 991–994
- Southeast Asia, 780–781, 1023, 1026, 1062, 1128–1130, 1134
- McCarthyism, 998
- Military bases, U.S. use of, 695, 921
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 3, 31–33, 66, 79
- Raw materials, trade, 398, 758–759, 791–792, 795–797, 803, 805–807, 835–836, 838, 858–859
- Soviet position, 986–987
- Technical information exchange, 706–709
- Truman–Churchill talks, 731, 742, 803, 806–807, 843, 846–847, 851–857, 859–861, 885–887
- U.S. foreign economic policy, 1000
- U.S. economic assistance, 574–575, 695–696, 699, 700–702, 728–729, 807–808, 815
- U.S. military assistance, 450–451, 529, 564, 572, 587, 590, 592, 597, 620, 748, 803, 865–867, 869, 1004
- Western Europe:
- Yugoslavia, 1616
- United Nations:
- Chinese People’s Republic membership, 1003, 1041–1044, 1098, 1108–1110, 1113–1114, 1125
- Disarmament Commission, 1026
- Guatemala, 1075–1076, 1100, 1108
- Indochina, 1484
- Italian membership, 1573, 1579
- Korea, 906, 1027, 2061
- North Africa, 1277
- Peace Observation Commission, 1120–1121
- Soviet–U.S. relationship, 646
- Spanish membership, 1983–1984
- Thailand, 1120–1121
- U.S. concerns, 2060–2062
- U.N. International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 484, 542
- U.N. Korean Reconstruction Agency, 542
- U.N. Monetary and Financial Conference, 815
- U.N. Technical Assistance Program, 542
- United States of Europe. See European Political Community.
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 575, 1544
- Valletta, Vittorio, 1662–1663
- Van Hollen, Christopher, 576–581
- Vance, Sheldon B., 5n
- Vandenberg, Gen. Hoyt S., 1148, 1815–1817
- Vanoni, Ezio, 1703–1704, 1709
- Vass, Lawrence C., 467, 560, 577–578, 581–582, 589n, 599–603, 620–621, 1142n, 1160, 1437, 1881n
- Vatican, 2002–2021
- Vernon, Raymond, 73n, 372n, 418n
- Vest, George S., 2133, 2138
- Viet Minh, 1379–1380, 1469, 1484, 1490
- Vietnam (see also Indochina; Southeast Asia), 1088–1094, 1120–1121, 1147, 1331–1332, 1419, 1469
- Vigon, Jean, 1833–1834, 1844–1845
- Voorhees, Tracy, 603–604, 608–611, 1419–1422, 1649
- Vorys, John M., 460, 462
- Walters, Lt. Col. Vernon A., 1200
- Wan, Prince, 1120–1121
- Waugh, Samuel C., 385n, 391
- Webb, James E., 5, 698–699, 702–704, 1165–1166
- Weeks, Sinclair, 928–931
- Weicker, Lowell, 237–238
- Weir, Cecil, 168, 176–177, 219–221, 1849n, 1859n
- West, George L., Jr., 2000–2001
- Western Europe (see also
Atlantic Community; North
Atlantic Treaty Organization):
- Agricultural integration. See Green Pool.
- Atlantic Community, 637
- Canada, relations with, 50–51
- Cooperative organizations, 126–127, 142–146, 155, 160
- Defense of, 8, 197
- Agriculture, role of, 419–420
- Arms standardization, 716, 723, 767–769, 804, 838–839, 1386
- Belgian position, 33–34, 36
- British position, 646, 713, 754, 1034, 1132
- Council of Europe, 64, 212
- Eastern Europe, 638
- Economic situation, 20, 22, 25, 34, 36, 42, 69, 145
- European Payments Union, 57
- French role in, 1034, 1176–1177, 1324–1325
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 637, 713, 741, 1193–1194, 1277
- Integration, 145, 244, 637, 642
- Italian role in, 1665–1668
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 4, 38
- Spanish participation, 1821–1822, 1830, 1872–1873, 1882, 1890–1891, 1896–1898, 1930, 1938, 1988–1989
- U.S. position, 37–38, 242, 658, 761, 1132, 1851
- Economic integration (see also European Coal and Steel Community; Organization for European Economic Cooperation), 8–11, 39, 43, 65–66, 226–227, 441