110.11 DU/9–2554
The Secretary of State to Prime Minister Scelba 1
[Dear Mr. Prime Minister:] Your letter of August 262 delivered to me by Ambassador Tarchiani arrived at a particularly difficult moment for me, and therefore its expressions of friendship and cooperation were doubly appreciated. I regret that my long absences from Washington have not permitted an earlier adequate reply.
Italy and the United States now face new and grave tasks. The rejection of EDC by one of the six treaty nations places upon all western governments, which seek solidarity in opposing world [Page 1272] domination by communism, a burden of decision and action which will require the noblest efforts of us all. The forthcoming conferences offer us, however, a renewed opportunity to find solutions to our mutual problems in this field. In these conferences, to know that the Italian Government under your direction seeks the same security, the same defense, the same unity which the Government of the United States seeks, augurs well for the future and will maintain the solid friendship of our two nations.
I look forward to the mutual cooperation that I confidently anticipate between your new Foreign Minister Sig. Martino, and myself at London.
[Sincerely yours,