Conference files, lot 59 D 95, CF 102: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Egypt 1
top secret

1. For Ambassador. From the Secretary. I have been discussing Egyptian situation with Eden this evening2 and am much encouraged by his open-minded approach to method of solving problem. He is searching for new idea which cld permit fruitful resumption of talks with Egyptian Govt.

Eden fully realizes that Aly Maher can not accept same conditions and proposals refused by preceding govt without incurring serious political risks in current over-charged atmosphere. Searching for new proposals for discussion which might be made by the Egyptians he has suggested, on a purely personal basis to me, the possibility of a broader framework than the Four-Power proposals made and rejected by Nahas Pasha last Nov. Eden’s thought is that the Egyptians might suggest talks associating the Arab States with the US, UK, Fr and Turk. Four Arab States joining the original four proposing states and Egypt might be a possible suggestion, but he has no set formula in mind.

I wish you wld discuss this idea privately with Stevenson, and only with him, and let me have your reaction and any other suggestions at Lisbon by Tuesday morning,3 when I expect to meet again with my Brit colleague and perhaps later in the day with Mr. Schuman as well.4

  1. This telegram was repeated to the Department of State for information as Secto 71; it was also repeated to London.
  2. For a record of the meeting under reference, see Knight’s memorandum for the record, supra.
  3. No response to this message has been identified.
  4. In telegram 2, Feb. 25, 4 p.m. from Lisbon to Cairo, repeated to the Department of State as Secto 73, Acheson sent the following additional information about the meeting with Eden:

    “In addition points mytel 1, February 24 rptd Dept Secto 71, Eden said he appreciated urgency moving along as quickly as possible in finding solution of Sudan prog [sic]. Sudan is on tentative agenda for forthcoming talks with Egyptians.” (Conference files, lot 59 D95, CF 102)