Editorial Note
Of the 117 Resolutions, Declarations, and Agreements adopted by the Tenth Inter-American Conference, the United States voted against 4 items (XXIX, LXVIII, LXXVI, and XCVIII), and abstained on 12 (II, XII, XIII, XVII, XVIII, XXIII, XXX, LXXIII, LXXVII, LXXXV, XCVI, and XCVII). The United States did not sign either the [Page 312] Convention on Diplomatic Asylum or the Convention on Territorial Asylum, signed by the other member delegations on March 28, 1954; it did, however, sign the Convention for the Promotion of Inter-American Cultural Relations on March 28, which entered into force for the United States, October 3, 1957; for text, see TIAS No. 3936 or 8 UST (pt. 2) 1903.