733.5 MSP/2–2552
Memorandum of Conversation, by John K. Havemeyer of the Office of South American Affairs
- Proposed Negotiations for an Agreement to Supply Grant Aid to Uruguay under the Mutual Security Act—19512
- Participants: Ambassador of Uruguay, Mr. Mora
- Assistant Secretary Miller
- AR—Mr. Jamison
- OSA—Mr. Havemeyer
Ambassador Mora called on Mr. Miller by appointment to discuss the subject. He explained that he had received a letter3 from the Uruguayan Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Jimenez de Arechaga, stating that the Foreign Minister4 had not taken any action with respect to initiating talks5 under the MSA because the Foreign Minister did not wish negotiations to start and then have a change of Government on March 16 which would require bringing the Herrerista Party into the negotiations. The Ambassador reiterated his hope that his Government would be able to discuss these negotiations and have them carried through to satisfactory conclusion.
Mr. Miller confirmed the fact that conversations could begin any time prior to March 15. He continued that there were many administrative details which must be accomplished after an agreement is reached and funds appropriated for this fiscal year must be committed prior to July 1. He stated that we hoped to obtain additional appropriations [Page 1536] during 1953. Therefore, if an agreement had not been reached with the Uruguayan Government in time and our Congress appropriated money for the new fiscal year it may be possible that negotiations could be carried on under which Uruguay would come into the program at a later date.
Mr. Miller assured Ambassador Mora that he hoped Uruguay could enter into this program, and if negotiations do not take place it will make no difference in the relations between our two countries.7
- Public Law 165, approved Oct. 10, 1951; for text, see 65 Stat. 373.↩
- Not identified.↩
- Alberto Domínguez Cámpora.↩
- On Dec. 21, 1951, the United States had indicated its interest in opening negotiations with Uruguay for a military assistance agreement and a related bilateral military plan.↩
- In 1951, Uruguay adopted a Constitutional amendment which abolished the office of President and established in its place a National Council of Government. This National Council was comprised of nine members, six representing the majority party and three representing the minority party. The new government took office on Mar. 1, 1952.↩
- In telegram 345, from Montevideo, dated Mar. 13, 1952, Ambassador Roddan informed the Department that the Uruguayan Government on Mar. 7 had decided to authorize the initiation of conversations with representatives of the United States to consider the possibility of receiving aid under the provisions of the Mutual Security Act of 1951 (733.5 MSP/3–1352). The conversations were subsequently set to open on Mar. 31, 1952.↩