723.5 MSP/8–1152
Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Military Assistance, Department of Defense (Olmsted) to the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Mutual Security Affairs (Martin)
Washington, August 11,
- Reimbursable Military Assistance Under Section 408(e) of the MDAA, as Amended—Case Nos. OMA Peru 23 and 23/1
- 1.
- Reference is made to memoranda from your office, subject as above, dated 16 April 19521 and 3 July 1952.2 These memoranda forwarded notes from the Peruvian Embassy requesting purchase of 26 T–6G Aircraft, 6 T–7 Aircraft, B–25 Aircraft (number not specified) and cartridges, bombs and rockets.
- 2.
- The following is the status of the above requests:
- a.
- There are no B–25’s available from USAF stocks for sale to the Peruvian Government.
- b.
- There are no T–6G aircraft available from USAF stocks for sale to the Peruvian Government.
- c.
- There are no T–7 aircraft available from USAF stocks for sale to the Peruvian Government. It is understood that the Beech Aircraft Corporation is manufacturing the civilian version of this aircraft in the C–45 configuration (civilian designation D–18S). It is believed that Peruvian Government representatives have made direct contact with the Beech Aircraft Corporation in connection with the purchase of this type aircraft.
- d.
- The Department of the Air Force is in the process of making a pricing and availability study on the ammunition, bombs and rockets portion of Case No. OMA Peru 23. This study will be forwarded to the appropriate Peruvian representatives when completed.
- 3.
- The following additional data is forwarded for information in connection with the Peruvian request for T–6G aircraft. At present, Lt. General Armanda Zamudio, Commanding General of the Peruvian Air Force, is in the United States with members of his staff, for the purpose of procuring equipment and material from commercial sources for the Peruvian Air Force, and expediting the delivery of items being purchased under Section 408(e) of the MDAA, as amended. As part of General Zamudio’s activities in the commercial markets of the United States, he has been making an effort to purchase 20 T–6 aircraft. Concurrently with his search for this type aircraft in the commercial market, the Department of the Air Force was making an effort to procure on behalf of the Peruvian Government the 6 T–6 aircraft requested under Case No. OMA Peru 23. Due to the shortage of this type aircraft, it was discovered that the activities of the Department of the Air Force and General Zamudio had the effect of competing for the same limited number of available aircraft. As a result, it was explained to General Zamudio that the Department of the Air Force would postpone any further action pending the outcome of his effort to procure the aircraft direct from commercial sources. For the same reason, it is not considered advisable to initiate procurement action on behalf of the Government of Peru for the 20 T–6G aircraft requested under Case No. OMA Peru 23/1.
- 4.
- If the Peruvian representative fails in his effort to procure T–6 aircraft on the commercial market, it is requested that this office be advised if further action is necessary toward the procurement of this aircraft on behalf of the Peruvian Government.
George H. Olmsted
Major General, U.S. Army