
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Honduras 1


462. For Ambassador from Holland. Have discussed with UFCO and obtained agreement following plan which you should convey urgently but discreetly to Galvez as suggested approach present labor impasse.

President to summon imperiously to Tegucigalpa not only those specifically named labor leaders whose absence from the strike area would deprive strikers effective leadership but also specific company leaders. President to announce summons is for purpose orderly discussion and solution workers’ legitimate demands. Once labor and company leaders in Tegucigalpa President should advise workers discussions [Page 1305] will start under Government’s or President’s supervision immediately after they return jobs and that Government will see that constructive consideration is given them.

My hope would be that with absence leaders from strike area under these circumstances danger of violence would cease and peaceful solution could be found.

Please cable your reactions. Answer your specific recommendations forthcoming shortly.

  1. Drafted, approved, and signed by Director of the Office of Middle American Affairs Burrows.