363/6–1254: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Honduras 1


533. OAS case2 re Guatemala requires proofs as convincing as it is possible to obtain,3 but it should be borne in mind that action will be taken by Foreign Ministers and not by a court of law. Re urtel 437,4 the most important type of evidence direct or circumstantial will be [Page 1165] that which shows any kind of Guatemalan connection (preferably official but communist unofficial will be valuable), with events which have had the purpose or effect of undermining the stability of the Honduran government. Finding of proposed resolution (Depcirtel 459)5 is that in context of communist penetration Guatemala, receipt Alfhem arms by that country has created threat to other American States. Therefore any data which demonstrates that Guatemala has overtly or covertly sponsored, supported or tolerated interventionist activities in other countries is needed. What is important at this stage is to show to extent possible any Guatemalan connection with items such as seven listed urtel 437. On basis Embassy reports Department has publicly referred to “interesting coincidence” in fact strikes occurred in area in which Guatemalan government sent three consuls subsequently declared personae non gratae. Reasons for action re consuls and lack authorization landing Guatemalan plane, as well as charge that map spotting UFCO properties found in plane must therefore be documented if at all possible. Other evidence, such as identification by name Guatemalans arrested or known to have been in strike zone instigating communist or strike activities, source and nature broadcasts clandestine radio stations agitating strikes, and press clippings speeches strike leaders reflecting party line highly useful. Hondurans should also develop facts re charge Guatemalan group sent to kidnap and murder exiled Guatemalan leader Castillo Armas….

While it preferable Honduras present any hard facts this kind on its own, and you should encourage them do so, we should be in position use them if Honduras does not.

  1. Drafted by Mr. Jamison; signed by Assistant Secretary Holland.
  2. Reference is to the effort of the United States to document a case against Guatemala for presentation to the OAS proving Guatemalan encouragement of Communist infiltration into Honduras and El Salvador.
  3. The Department’s telegram 518, to Tegucigalpa, sent also to Guatemala City, dated June 4, 1954, reads in part as follows: “Department considers proof of connection between Guatemala and strikes in Honduras is of utmost importance in presentation case at proposed OAS meeting, as means of proving threat to peace and security exists from Guatemala affecting sovereignty and political independence of other Central American Governments. Embassy should therefore continue to press Honduran Government to prepare convincing case against Guatemala.” (363/5–3054)
  4. In telegram 437, from Tegucigalpa, dated June 9, 1954, Ambassador Willauer stated in part the following: “Doing our best meet requirements evidence proposed OAS meeting but very gloomy as to evidentiary value as distinguished from circumstantial value material available from Honduras. Embassy attempting basic study Communist penetration Honduras along lines Department’s Guatemalan study, but facts few, convicting and convincing evidence scarce.” (363/6–954)
  5. Dated June 5, 1954, p. 1157.