397.5 IA/6–1152
Minutes of a Meeting Between Representatives of the Department of State and the Department of Defense, Held in Washington, June 11, 19521
Present: | Army—Col. Crawford2 | ||
Navy—Capt. Lark3 | } | Deputies, US Delegation, Inter-American Defense Board | |
USMC—Col. Durant4 | |||
Air Force—Lt. Col. O’Connor | |||
Sec U.S. Del IADB—Lt. Col. Hall5 | |||
Defense—Mr. Horton6 | |||
Department of State | |||
ARA:AR—Mr. Jamison | |||
Mr. Spencer | |||
Mr. Mackay |
- Meeting with Deputy Representatives on US Delegation to the Inter-American Defense Board
The meeting was held by mutual agreement to discuss various matters of current concern in connection with military co-operation with Latin America, including proposed items for inclusion in the next progress report to the National Security Council on NSC 56/2.
(1) Information Re Grant Aid Deliveries etc.—Colonel Crawford read a telegram7 which had been received from Major General Mullins (JBUSDC) in Rio inquiring what General Goes Monteiro could be told in response to the latter’s request for information on the deliveries which would be made under the MSP to any of the other Latin American countries during 1952. General Goes Monteiro, it was presumed, desired this information in connection with securing ratification of the MSP Agreement in the Brazilian Congress. Colonel Crawford read a proposed reply8 outlining certain general information regarding shipments [Page 126] of this material planned for eligible countries and publicity related thereto, but indicating that any more detailed information on amounts and types of equipment for specific units could not be divulged because agreement had been reached with the recipient countries that this information would remain confidential. Mr. Horton agreed that this was consistent with MSP policy on the non-disclosure of detailed information on grant aid to any third MSP country. Mr. Jamison suggested that it would be important in this case to try to avoid antagonizing General Goes because of his strong U.S. orientation and the important influence which he would have in securing Brazilian ratification of the MSP Agreement. It was agreed that Colonel Crawford would consult with Mr. Horton who would ascertain the extent to which General Monteiro could be furnished information within existing directives, and that the reply would be checked with Mr. Spencer.
During the discussion of General Mullins’ request, the general question whether specific units being prepared with U.S. grant-aid could or should be identified publicly was raised. The Defense representatives present pointed to the fact that the only mention of the specific “designated” hemisphere defense units is made in the Secret Military Plans and they indicated that they knew of no plans to change that classification. It was pointed out that it would be extremely difficult, once the equipment started rolling, for the fact that identifiable units are receiving U.S. assistance to be kept secret. The suggestion was made that it might, therefore, be desirable to take the initiative and claim whatever propaganda advantage there might be in emphasizing the collective defense nature of the roles which such units would assume in time of emergency. It was also suggested that the IADB might be the appropriate body to receive more detailed information as to the nature and extent of the grant-aid program, but the difficulties implicit in the fact that grant-aid countries are only a few of the total number represented on the Board, and in the general nature of the Board’s operations were advanced as arguments against such a course. It was agreed that this problem should be considered further both in Defense and State.
(2) Possible Revision of NSC 56/2.—Colonel O’Connor stated that General Walsh had for some time felt that consideration should be given to a revision of this document to take into account certain of the objectives which had already been achieved, and to include other developments which had not been brought up-to-date. For instance, the detailed policy regarding military grant program is not included in this document, nor is there reference to the method and manner of its implementation. Mr. Jamison indicated that there had also been some need felt in the State Department for such a revision. It was agreed that the possible need for revision of NSC 56/2 and changes which might be required would form the subject of a future meeting of the group.
[Page 127](3) Inclusion of Training Aircraft in Grant Aid Program.—Mr. Horton explained, in response to inquiry, that while training aircraft as such were not contemplated in the grant program for 1953, there were spare parts and maintenance equipment to be included for countries which already had this type of aircraft. The recent requests of Colombia and Peru for this training aircraft were discussed in this connection.
(4) Netherlands East [West]Indies, JCS Paper.—Mr. Jamison referred to a recent meeting in the State Department in which officers of State were given an opportunity to comment on a draft JCS paper9 dealing with certain outstanding points related to the Defense of Curacao and Aruba. The paper is to serve as the basis for reaching agreement with the Dutch on certain principles affecting forces which might be used in the Netherlands Indies in time of war or emergency and the command relationships involved; a principal concern of the Dutch being that it might be contemplated that Latin American forces would be stationed in the NEI [NWI]. The Defense representatives indicated that the IADB group in Defense had been given an opportunity to comment on this paper and that it had been changed considerably. It was generally agreed, however, that there was no change in the basic policy that the Dutch could be informed that no utilization of Latin American forces in the NEI [NWI] is contemplated. Since this policy had been reported earlier, it was agreed that it would not be necessary to carry an item on this matter in the report being prepared.
(5) Status of Approval of IADB Military Plan and Annexes to the Plan.—It was agreed that approval of the IADB General Military Plan by the U.S. should be included in the Report on NSC 56/2. Annex 1 of the Plan (Strategic Areas)10 has been approved by the Council of Delegates, but has not been sent to the Governments. Annex 2 (Intelligence) and Counter Intelligence)11 has been approved and distributed to the Governments and the JCS have indicated its acceptability to the U.S. In this connection, Mr. Jamison stated that State had not been receiving copies of these IADB documents. Colonel Hall stated that there had been changes of procedures and personnel in the IADB, and he would see to it that a complete set of copies were sent to State from the U.S. Delegation rather than directly from the IADB.
(6) Program of Sale of Jets.—The development of a long range program for sale of jet aircraft to Latin American countries in relation to [Page 128] hemisphere defense requirements was discussed in the light of Defense’s disapproval of a Mexican request for jet aircraft, and reports of the interest of the French and the British, in selling jet aircraft in Latin America.
(7) Latin American Procurement from NATO Sources.—The draft policy position paper12 drafted six months ago in the Department was reported to be still under discussion in Defense. It was stated that this question is being considered as a global problem in the disposal of obsolete NATO equipment to non-NATO areas rather than solely in relation to the effects on our Latin American military policy.
(8) Relationship of Commercial Procurement to Latin American Planning.—The difficulties presented by the probable increased ability of Latin American military representatives to purchase military equipment in the commercial market in the U.S. was discussed in relation to the problem of equipment procurement planning for these countries under the MDAP. It was agreed that this problem should be considered further in connection with possible revision of NSC 56/2.
(9) General Jenkins’ letter13 on Streamlining Present Procedures in the Replacement of Mission Personnel.—Mr. Jamison stated that State’s views of the feasibility of the proposal outlined in General Jenkins’ letter was still being explored in the Department. It would appear however that if generally acceptable, the new procedure should be applied to Missions of all three Services. General Jenkins’ proposal was discussed in some detail, and certain variations were suggested.
(10) Coordination of Visits of US Military Personnel to Latin America and of Latin Americans to the US.—Certain instances of difficulties which have arisen through a lack of coordination between the Services and with State on this problem were discussed. It was agreed that a greater effort should be made to effect the necessary coordination between the interested Departments in the future, and that a summary of recent visits would be furnished by each Service.
(11) Implementation of FY 1953 Grant-aid Program.—Mr. Horton of General Olmsted’s14 office, asked whether any thought was being given in State to the question of whether additional governments should be approved for initiation of military grant-aid negotiations. It was pointed out that, by mutual agreement, between State and Defense, the entire situation was to be reviewed and the necessary decisions made when legislative action on the FY 1953 appropriation was completed. Three of the specific questions were (1) whether an approach should be made [Page 129] to the Dominican Republic; (2) whether any effort should be made to renew negotiations with Mexico; and (3) whether there has been any change in the Argentine situation which would warrant at least reserving the tasks and units being considered for that country. Mr. Horton indicated that it was quite possible that General Olmsted would reopen this question with State in the near future, even though it appeared that legislative action on the appropriation may not be made final until after the political conventions.
- Drafted by Mr. Mackay and Mr. Jamison.↩
- Stuart F. Crawford.↩
- Jacob A. Lark.↩
- Edward W. Durant.↩
- James M. Hall.↩
- Donald Horton, Office of Military Assistance, Department of Defense.↩
- Apparent reference to a Department of Defense telegram; no copy was found in Department of State files.↩
- Not found in Department of State files.↩
- Presumably a reference to an early draft of a paper titled “Proposed Guidance for the Military Discussions Between the United States Commander in Chief, Caribbean, (CIN–CARIB) and the Netherlands Antilles Military Authorities,” dated June 25, 1952; a copy is attached to a letter from Secretary of Defense Lovett to Secretary Acheson, dated July 4, 1952, not printed (756B.5/7–452).↩
- Annex 1 to the General Military Plan for the Defense of the American Continent, titled “Area of Particular Strategic Importance,” dated Apr. 10, 1952, is not printed.↩
- Annex 2 to the General Military Plan for the Defense of the American Continent, dated Mar. 27, 1952, and designated IADB document C–025, is not printed.↩
- Not found in Department of State files.↩
- Apparent reference to a memorandum from Maj. Gen. Reuben E. Jenkins, Assistant Chief of Staff, G–3, U.S. Army, to Assistant Secretary Miller, dated May 2, 1952, in which a modification of military mission agreements was proposed in order to permit presentation of the names of proposed members to the missions to the respective governments by the U.S. Ambassador or his designee (720.58/5–252).↩
- Maj. Gen. George H. Olmsted, Director, Office of Military Assistance, Department of Defense.↩