310.2/6–1553: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
807. I. Re your 488, June 12, wish you would try to ascertain whatever advantages there might be in splitting motion which would at one and the same time unseat the representatives of the Government of the Republic of China and seat the Chinese Communists. If we can get the question of unseating the Chinese Nationalists considered separately would it not raise the whole question of expelling members from the UN? I believe this might be advantageous at this time. Could we thereby not raise the question of expelling members who have admitted aiding aggressors?
II. Agree that “our objective should be to dispose of issue in both parties in routine fashion with minimum of debate”, but wish to underline that if it is not possible to be successful in a routine fashion then it becomes necessary to state our substantive arguments for the world and that we must be prepared to do so and to take three or four days in the process so as to give time for our various arguments to sink in and get adequate treatment and headlines throughout the world.
III. The suggestion that it is not in order to bring up the unseating of the Chinese Nationalists and the seating of the Chinese Communists because it is not on the agenda seems to accomplish nothing except to put off the question for one day and make it appear as though we were avoiding the issue which we have no reason to do.
IV. Heartily approve your suggestion of a motion to postpone sine die, but question whether we should not make the motion ourselves rather than having Greece or Colombia do so.