Editorial Note
Additional documentation on United States participation in the seventh as well as other sessions of GATT is contained in Department of State file 394.31 and also in the GATT files, lot 63 D 134, [Page 127] boxes 268–270, which cover the Sixth through the Ninth Sessions, and lot 66 D 209, boxes 454–458, which relate to the Fifth through the Ninth Sessions of GATT. Documents pertaining to the decisions, declarations, resolutions, and rulings of the Seventh Session are printed in the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Basic Instruments and Selected Documents: First Supplement, 1953 (Geneva, 1953). Department of State press release 865 of November 10, 1952, summarizing the results of the Seventh Session is printed in Department of State Bulletin, December 1, 1952, pages 876–879. A report on the Seventh Session to the Secretary of State by the chairman of the United States Delegation is attached to the Department’s circular airgram, dated Mar. 25, 1953.(394.31/3–2553)