103 FOA/8–2553
The Director of Foreign Operations (Stassen) to the Secretary of State
Dear Foster: In carrying out the President’s Reorganization Plan No. 7 and implementing the President’s Executive Orders Nos. 10458 of June 1 and 10476 of August 1 and letter of instructions of June 1, 1953,1 I am contemplating a reorganization to take effect on October 1, 1953.
I am enclosing a tentative draft of an organization chart2 and will welcome any suggestions which you may have upon it. It is anticipated that the four Regional Directors should have the same territory as the respective Assistant Secretaries of State, and thus facilitate a close working relationship at that point. There is some question whether Greece and Turkey, since they are members of NATO, should be administered by the European Region or by the Near East. Unless you take a different view, I propose to conform precisely to the State Department geographical organization for its Assistant Secretaries.
As of the same date, it is my plan to change the names of all of the MSA and TCA Missions and establish them all as United States Operations Missions. Their specific tasks will vary, but throughout the world we intend to emphasize the concept that we are carrying out a United States program under the foreign policy [Page 643] leadership of the Secretary of State rather than any emphasis on the program of a segment of the Government of the United States.
Sincerely yours,