Editorial Note
In telegram 1507 to Tokyo, April 20, marked “For Dulles from Allison”, the Department summarized for the Consultant the contents of the Joint Chiefs’ memorandum of April 17 regarding a Japanese peace treaty and potential security treaties. (A portion of the Joint Chiefs’ memorandum is printed on page 207; the remainder is printed on page 990.) Telegram 1507 reads in part:
“With respect to Canberra Pact JCS have now made specific objection to both Articles VII and VIII of draft treaty and state ‘The JCS would find serious objection to including openly in a treaty any requirement for the establishment of a military planning organization with Australia and New Zealand and for any formal military planning among the Pacific Island nations.’ Exact meaning of above [Page 212] phrase uncertain. It could mean that planning is all right but that there should be no formal commitment or organization. Alternatively it could mean there will be no joint planning of any sort in which case presumably treaty could not be concluded. I am having lunch Monday [April 23] with Defense official in effort to ascertain exact meaning of JCS on this point. Any comments you could get to me prior to noon Monday would be helpful.” (694.00/4–2051) The remainder of this telegram is summarized in footnote 1, page 1003.
In telegram Topad 1853, April 22, marked “For Rusk, Allison from Dulles,” the Consultant stated in part: “Re Canberra Pact, in my interpretation, Article 7 does not require ‘military planning’ and consultation contemplated by Article 8 can be civilian and not involve technical military planning. As regards last sentence, Article 8, dealing with ‘planning’ it is already understood this subject to negotiation having in mind earlier comments of JCS and my message to Spender. This whole matter obviously requires further discussions with Anzac and should be flexible until then.” (694.001/4–2251)
The Dulles Mission left Tokyo April 23 and arrived back in Washington the following day.
Record of Mr. Allison’s conversation with a “Defense official” (mentioned in telegram 1507 quoted above) has not been found in Department of State files. However, see the memorandum of May 15 to Mr. Allison from Brigadier General A. L. Hamblen, Special Assistant for Occupied Areas, page 215.