Lot 54 D 423

The Prime Minister of Japan (Yoshida) to the Consultant to the Secretary (Dulles)

Dear Mr. Dulles: Our nation rejoices to see the provision added to the Final Draft of the peace treaty1—Chapter III, Article 6, (b)—calling for the carrying out of repatriation to the extent not already completed.

The clause gives comfort to many homes of the unrepatriated. It will still the hue and cry raised by the unscrupulous, who have turned the question into a political weapon wherewith to attack and harass the government. I want to thank you for your consideration and thoughtfulness in making the insertion.

We have just had a 3 day special session of the Diet,2 which has sanctioned the appointment of its members to government positions (delegates and alternate delegates). I have succeeded to a large measure—in making our delegation an impressive body such as you want. The Democrats have consented today to send the No. 1 man of their party as a plenipotentiary.3 Only the Socialist Party remains obdurate and cantankerous as ever.

I plan to take a Pan-American plane, stop over at Honolulu for a day’s rest and arrive in San Francisco on September 2.

Yours sincerely,

Shigeru Yoshida
  1. Reference is to the draft of August 13.
  2. Held August 16–18.
  3. Gizo Tomabechi.