694.001/4–451: Telegram
The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State
1361. Concur with Deptel 10571 idea Indo[nesia] shld receive from US indication RI wld be welcome participate in Pacific Security Pact. How that Dulles has given draft Jap peace treaty to Amb Ali to forward to Indo, I feel invitation to participate security arrangement shld not be unduly delayed lest Indos suspect hesitancy on our part to invite them, and effect of invitation be nullified.
Darmasetiawan2 expressed again Mon to Emb officers live interest in receiving shortly from Amb Ali documentation in regard Jap peace treaty. Both FonMin Roem and Darma[setiawan] are shy on committing themselves on either Jap treaty or Pacific Pact but wld I am sure like to have their govt given every show of consideration in connection therewith.
Months ago President Sukarno asked me re prospects for Pacific Pact and mainifested keen interest therein. I believe we shld let him know of any approach we make to Indo Government. We wld strive convince him of advantage Indo cld derive from protection which pact affords its participants against aggression by either signatory or nonsignatory nations. Indo entering pact shld have better opportunity for peaceful understanding with Austral on rights of each in NG. Conceivably these arguments might influence Sukarno toward pressuring Indo Government into accepting participation.
I realize danger of encouraging Indos unduly with respect their claim to NG in view hesitancy Dept take sympathetic stand on this one big issue of Sukarno at risk offending our white friends, particularly Neth and Austral. Under Sukarno’s maneuvering NG question is being used to unify Indo and undermine union. As long as Neth remains adamant against transfer NG and US refrains from questioning that attitude, Dept shld be aware that Pacific Pact might aggravate differences between western peoples and Indos, whether Indo is left out and western powers guarantee Austral from threat to territorial integrity NG, or whether Indo comes into pact and white members of pact associate with Neth in opposing Indo claim to NG.3
- Supra.↩
- Secretary-General of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry.↩
- In reply the Department telegraphed: “Urtel 1361, Apr 4 appreciated. Dept now urgently considering certain changes in character security arrangements described Deptel 1057. Do not therefore discuss this matter with any Indo[nesian] official until proposed modifications have been communicated to you.” (Telegram 1091 to Djakarta, April 6; 694.001/4–451)↩