694.001/8–1451: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines 1
545. Taking into consideration changes requested by PhilGov in Embtel 6132 Dept has rewritten first part of preamble as fols:
“The Parties to the treaty, reaffirming their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all Govts, and desiring to strengthen the fabric of peace in the Pacific Area,
“Recalling with mutual pride the historic relationship which brought their two peoples together in a common bond of sympathy and mutual ideals to fight side-by-side against imperialist aggression during the last war,
“Desiring to declare publicly and formally their sense of unity and their common determination to defend themselves against external armed attack, so that no potential aggressor could be under the illusion that either of them stands alone in the Pacific Area.”
Remainder of preamble no change.
[Page 248]Dept cannot accept proposed changes of language for Arts 4 and 8. Proposed language for Art 4 is similar to that used in North Atlantic Treaty and wld probably not be acceptable to Senate in view of controversy raised during recent debate on troops for Eur. That is why it was not used in Aust–NZ Treaty.
Proposed language for Art 8 unacceptable because of objection to disturbing present Phil–US relationship and unwillingness to involve such relationship formally with other states or orgs. Proposed language for Art 8 refers to an Art 7 presumably contained in Romulo’s second draft.3 You shld inform Romulo that discussions shld be based on our draft sent you in Deptel 499. For your personal confidential info inclusion of Council or any similar org or coop with other states and orgs strongly objected to by Defense.
On assumption agreement will be reached with Phils on text Dept considering joint Phil–US press release,4
- Telegram drafted by Mr. Dulles and Temple Wanamaker, Acting Officer in Chargé of Philippine Affairs.↩
- Supra.↩
- See footnote 3, p. 246.↩
In telegram 667 from Manila, August 15, Ambassador Cowen reported in part that the language of the Treaty was now acceptable to the Philippine Government and that the Philippines were agreeable to joint release of the Treaty’s text on August 16. However, the Government objected to language in a draft press release to accompany the Treaty which would have publicly linked conclusion of this Treaty with Philippine adherence to the Japanese Peace Treaty. (694.001/8–1551)
(The draft of press release, transmitted to Manila in telegram 549, August 14, is not printed; 694.001/8–1451.)
In telegram 570 to Manila, August 15, the Department stated in part: “Dept is agreeable to deletion from press release of clause ‘in connection with their conclusion of a peace treaty with Japan’ providing you obtain assurances in writing from Quirino that deletion is agreed upon only with distinct understanding that Phil Govt recognizes interdependence of the two treaties and that US in [is] under no obligation to ratify Mutual Defense Treaty (and Sen wld probably refuse to do so) if the Phils for any reason do not sign peace treaty.” (694.001/8–1551)