740.5/11–651: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Department of State 1


Secto 15. 1. Text MEC principles as quoted para 1 Secto 14, November 62 to Dept handed FonMin Köprülü today as Secy, Eden and Schuman this morning agreed shld be done. Dept reps promised Köprülü Emb Ankara wld get text promptly into hands Sec Gen Turk FonOff. Ankara pls report Dept and Paris when this done.

2. Köprülü discussion lasted 2 hours. He said principles wld have to be cleared Ankara but he did not appear averse to idea statement. His detailed comments follow.

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3. a. FonMin expressed concern re para 4 feeling that final sentence re intra-area probs might be interpreted by Arabs as constituting license for Israel to commit aggression without fear retaliation by MEC members. He laid great stress on necessity reassuring Arabs this score. We asked whether he wld prefer original wording to effect intra-area probs wld continue be handled in accordance UN Charter, Tripartite declaration, armistice agrmts and treaties alliance, but FonMin did not take to this idea presumably because of ref to tripartite declaration to which Turkey not party. FonMin preferred “less detailed formula” which wld at same time reassure Arabs in connection their fears vs. Israel. We agreed attempt find new wording.

b. FonMin apprehensive association 3 dominions with statement wld have in Arab eyes appearance of “ganging up”. He expressed strong preference restricting declaration of principles to four powers.

c. On several occasions, FonMin referred necessity tailoring new proposals to peculiar psychological atmosphere prevailing Arab states; he showed particular concern re danger rebuff if principles not responsive questions ME states have in mind. He therefore suggested we shld take further soundings with states without indicating in any way we were contemplating issuing new statement. When soundings completed, he thought we cld review them to ensure our replies were responsive in all essential details. We pointed out previous approaches had elicited number reactions and that it was with these in mind we had evolved set principles. They might not be responsive all questions Arabs have but it wld be impossible give them 100 percent satisfactory. Present set principles were honorable, honest and shld commend themselves to Arabs. FonMin expressed himself as satisfied with this explanation.

d. FonMin emphasized conviction it wld be mistake for us give impression we desire answer from Arab states at this point re association MEC. We expressed complete agrmt, explaining purpose new démarche solely to clarify points which have been bothering Arabs and not to force them to state their position at this time.

e. FonMin stressed importance of avoiding leaks re principles before they are handed ME govts and ME FonMins here. He also felt simultaneous publication desirable.

4. Emb Ankara requested follow up and make certain timetable para 3 Secto reftel understood Ankara. We will give Köprülü and transmit Ankara text changes in response para 3 (a) above.3

  1. Repeated to Ankara and London.
  2. Supra.
  3. On November 8 in Secto 23, Secretary Acheson sent to the Department the definitive United States, United Kingdom, French, and Turkish text on the Middle East Command as agreed to that day. The four countries also agreed to a simultaneous release of the text in Washington, London, Paris, and Ankara at 6 p. m. Paris time on November 10 (740.5/11–851). The text is printed in the Department of State Bulletin, November 19, 1951, pp. 817–818.