780.5/10–151: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Department of State

top secret

1946. From MacArthur. US element SHAPE fully shares deep concern (set forth Deptel 252 to Ankara1 rptd Paris 1852 and other [Page 201] tels exchanged between Dept and Ankara and Cairo) re possibility of sudden deterioration Egypt situation resulting in Egypt taking rigid position vis-à-vis UK which would involve denunciation Anglo-Egypt treaty and prevent satisfactory solution to Middle East Command. Thinking here is that we (US, UK, Turks, and we hope French) should approach Egypt soonest possible and suggest talks (even if not going into details of MEC) so that King and moderate elements Egypt would be in position to oppose any sudden move by extremists on grounds that conversations re MEC must first be held.2

Sent Dept 1946; rptd info Ankara 19, London 479, Cairo 36.

  1. Dated September 28, p. 191.
  2. In telegram 1636 from London, October 4, Ambassador Gilford reported that after receipt of telegram 1808 from the Department “and phone call from MacArthur expressing Eisenhower’s concern delay in approaching Turkey and Egypt” the matter was again taken up with the Foreign Office and that only “final flash of Cabinet clearance” remained before the United Kingdom would join the United States in approaching Egypt on the MEC (780.5/10–451).