320/12–1751: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France 1


3618. Re Gadel 490.2 FYI Budget Bureau marked up $65 million for Pal refugees instead of $82,600,000 requested. Considered larger figure wld probably over-finance Agency requirements FY ’53 and that increase from $50 million in 1952 to $65 million in 1953 wld show increased US support and not hamper Agency’s ability negotiate projects Arab States. Also thought approval total 3 yr program would suffice give assurances Arab States. $65 million calculation roughly based on dividing Agency’s 1953 and 1954 requirements and applying 70% for US contrib each year.

[Page 971]

In view foregoing, Delga 6863 and Gadel 490 Dept wld appreciate views GADel and AdCom dels re magnitude ’53 budget before attempting increase $65 million.

  1. Drafted by Mr. Tomlinson.
  2. Dated December 17, p. 963.
  3. Dated December 15, p. 962.