320/12–851: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France 1


Gadel 391. 1. Amb Eban, calling on Hickerson Dec 6, indicated Israel’s hope new UN machinery wld not be established replace PCC in event it abolished by present GA. Stated belief new UN machinery wld serve no useful purpose since peace settlement for foreseeable future highly unlikely. Assumed UNRWA wld continue, and believed continuance present MAC machinery most likely means achieving any progress toward improvement Arab-Israel relations next year or so. [Page 960] Such improvements cld be effected through bilateral agreement amending armistice agreements broadening MAC authority. Expressed genuine concern at possibility Riley might be given additional functions, believing wld be prejudicial effectiveness his operations chief of TSO. Hickerson informed Eban, as of time his visit, Dept’s position not firm on handling Pal problem in GA. Our thinking tending to idea standby PCC. Also still attracted idea Agent Gen for Pal. Eban interested hear USGADel estimate Pal items might be considered in Ad Hoc Comm week Dec 17. His plans leave Wash that date might be changed since it assumed he will handle Pal items for Israel.

2. Re possible Israeli offer troops for Korea, Eban referred Amb Davis’s representation Israel FonOff. Elaborated difficulties confronting Israel in making affirmative answer requested troops pointing out difficulties hostile surrounding Arab States; present delicate relations with USSR; and econ difficulties sustaining such armed contingents if sent Korea. Eban indicated Israel not decided whether make offer. Wld discuss matter further with PriMin on return Israel, end this month. FYI Kollek Counselor Israel Emb in course calling at Dept Dec 5 informally indicated Ben Gurion disposed consider offer troops for Korea providing number other countries also offered troops and public appeal by UN made for troops, thereby assuring Israel’s offer wld not appear tardy jumping on bandwagon. Hickerson informed Eban public statement re troops being considered; troops definitely needed for long time to come; and we hoped other countries wld contribute. These observations based on Kollek’s info. Hickerson proposes speak to Eban again about troops before Eban’s departure Israel on 17th.

  1. Drafted by Mr. Ludlow, cleared with NE, authorized for transmission by Mr. Popper, and signed for the Acting Secretary by Mr. Hickerson. Repeated to Tel Aviv.