UNP Files: Lot 58 D 224

Memorandum by John C. Ross to the Ambassador at Large (Jessup)


Subject: Trygve Lie’s Ideas Concerning the Future of the Palestine Conciliation Commission and Refugee Organization

Gross and I ran into Trygve Lie this afternoon and had tea with him. He was full of a discussion he had had last night with Eden, at which Lie put up to Eden his ideas concerning the future of the PCC and the Palestine refugee organization. In brief the essence of Lie’s “plan” is to set up in New York a UN Middle East Committee consisting of Egypt, Syria, Israel, Turkey, Greece, U.S.A., United Kingdom, France, either Iran or Pakistan, either Argentina or Chile. This committee would advise Riley, who would be given the PCC conciliation functions, and Blandford, who would continue as refugee director. The PCC and the refugee advisory committee would be abolished. Lie said that Eden seemed impressed by this idea. He said he thought the Arabs would like it, also Israel. He said he thought it was a fine thing to get the Arabs and the Israelis to work together on a committee.

Lie said he also discussed this idea with Azzam Pasha who thought it was a good idea but wanted to consult some of the Arab experts.

Lie asked me to tell you that he would like very soon to spend an evening with you and Azzam Pasha.

I told Lie that we were thinking of a somewhat simpler approach, that we tended to agree with his ideas concerning the assignment of functions to Riley and Blandford and the abolition of the PCC and the refugee advisory committee. I said that we, however, were thinking of trying to develop as simple an approach as possible and I [Page 944] questioned him about what he expected this UN Middle East Committee to do. I said that I would, of course, pass his ideas along.

There is no question that Lie, who clearly has an idée fixe on this subject, will continue to press it in various quarters. My own instinctive reaction to it is quite strongly negative, but I have no doubt you will want to have it fully considered by the staff.