320.2 AA/11–1051: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Department of State


2802. Rapun 251. Re Unrap 216.1

1. At AdCom mtg with Dir Nov 9, USDel stressed Dept’s concern ref lack of detailed justifications and suggestion report be delayed in hope of strengthening report. Unanimous opinion was that there is insufficient basis to hope that delay wld accomplish desired result.

2. At risk repeating much already known to Dept, submit fol résumé of AdCom and Dir thinking;

3. Since Dir assumed duty, PRA has passed through polit phase now hoped reaching final stage. Slowness of progress is inherent in situation; leaders have tended to await outcome of PCC conf and lately to be distracted by MEC issue. Arab League’s agreement to cooperate with PRA is milestone. Since then Dir has in ceaseless round of visits appreciably prepared way for specific program but always faced with reality that Arab govts will not be forced, and their extreme sensitivity to refugee and public opinion. Now clear that some govts, notably Syria, wld go further than have done were it not for fact that public opinion cannot be abruptly reversed. Ten days ago, Dir offered Syrian Govt 25 million dols for reintegration. Govt believed ready program that amount and start projects if it can be done quietly while public opinion is prepared. Egyptian govt is definitely cooperative, but proj details await final outcome Sinai water survey. Jordan can probably program 10 million current FY if PRA participation Yarmuk assumed. Lebanese Govt greatly intimidated by large and vociferous refugee population supports reintegration in League but cannot identify itself at least not with projs in Lebanon. Iraq supports three-year plan and currently will accept artisans. However, cannot politically announce its later prospects for receiving large number.

Against this is unyielding insistence refugees upon repatriation and refusal accept reintegration and their conviction it is device further to fortify Israel. They accept relief as right and reason west will continue it rather than have chaos in NE which wld ensue if it were discontinued.

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Blandford states that altho his dealings with Arabs have been materially affected by prolonged PCC negots, he believes Arab govts will accept conclusive and generous three or four-year plan and under it will cooperate with agency in quiet programming of current $50 million. Thinks, however, that attempt to allocate all refugees to specific projects in all Arab states and Israel at this time wld be prejudicial to progress already made and wld worsen an already tense atmosphere.

4. Pending receipt of such further instructions or suggestions as may be forthcoming from Dept, plan is meanwhile join with AdCom in completion of report along lines original draft.

5. Since arrival Paris, understand there is some question delaying debate on Palestine matters for reasons unconnected with PRA report. In such case, feel sure AdCom wld wish corresponding delay in completion its report in hope of some development which wld add substance to it.

  1. Identified also as telegram 412 to Beirut, November 5 (not printed); it stated in part that the Department had received the draft joint report of the Advisory Commission and Director of UNRWA and regretted that the Agency was unable at this time to describe reintegration operations in greater detail. The Department also stated its belief that a delay of 1 month or 6 weeks in the presentation of the report to the General Assembly might enable the Agency to develop a more persuasive presentation and detailed justification. (320.2–AA/11–551)