357.AC/10–551: Telegram
The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State 1
314. Re Embtel 288, Sept 28,2 Walter Eytan, Director General FonOff, assures me Israeli Govt wishes make progress at PCC mtg in Paris and will work to that end. While it of course favors formal nonaggression pacts in form proposed, it wld accept as reasonably satisfactory substitutes either: (1) Separate declarations using formula based on UN Charter and armistice agreement which wld make clear latter are not superseded but extended, or (2) Agreement by govts concerned on joint declaration to same effect. He stated however his govt cld not agree to further alternative that commission itself declare itself as satisfied all parties accept principles in question, since he feels there is no substitute for their expression in some form, and considers last alternative makes “pettifogging distinction”.
He said while Israel of course believes direct negots are preferable if not indispensable and still hopes they will yet be possible, here again he gave assurance that his govt wld not be so insistent on direct negotiations as to close doors to progress by any other means. He stated further his govt wld also be realistic about its desire to reach final comprehensive agreements, saying Israelis want peace with neighbors but realize Arab commitments may make gen settlement impossible at present, and will accordingly content themselves with something less for present. Above assurances were no doubt prompted by Palmer’s statement to Israeli del in Paris pursuant Deptel 1816 to Paris, 237 Tel Aviv Sept 26.3