320.2 AA/9–751: Telegram
The Chargé in Lebanon (Bruins) to the Department of State 1
229. Rapun 214. 1. Blandford saw Sharett and Meron Jerusalem 6th. Re refugees still receiving PRA rations in Israel Blandford took offensive stating that three years had now passed and Israel had not yet succeeded reintegrating over 20,000 Israeli citizens of which 3,000 Jews. When Meron brought up previous Israeli requests for PRA reintegration assistance Blandford replied Israel who is asking and getting large-scale aid from abroad to reintegrate newcomers should attack this “unfinished business” first and reintegrate own refugees without calling on UN. Blandford stressed more beneficial to Israel that PRA funds be devoted exclusively to resettlement refugees Arab States. FonMin Meron seemed most impressed these arguments and promised definite Israeli reply within fortnight.
[Page 853]2. In passing Sharett stated Israel now prepared discuss compensation without insisting general settlement. Also made several unclear statements re compensation negots gist of which seemed to be that if Israelis and Arabs met face to face Israel would raise question war damage for tactical bargaining purposes. However if negots held through UN machinery Israel prepared forego war damage claims. Perhaps Emb Tel Aviv can clarify.2