683.84A/7–1951: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Department of State


110. Re Syrian-Israeli Dispute. Re Usun 93, July 16.1

We suggest for Dept’s consideration following program of action re Syrian-Israeli dispute over Huleh drainage project:

An effort to persuade Riley, having consulted in NY, to return to Palestine and make one more strong try to iron out differences and bring parties together for solution this dispute. SC meanwhile would not be convened. Before returning to Palestine, Riley might file report he now has in mind reciting facts in situation as he now sees them but indicating that he is returning to Palestine after consultation here for purpose indicated. It may, of course, be very difficult to persuade Riley to follow this course since in his present mood it seems clear that he wants to leave the baby on the SC’s doorstep. If Riley should, before returning to Palestine, file a report of the nature he apparently has in mind, it would be very difficult to avoid council mtg at this point; it might, therefore, be preferable if Riley refrained from issuing a further report at this time.
If Riley is unwilling to return to Palestine as indicated above or if he should return and his mission should result in failure, SC might take up matter with view to following action.
Reaffirmation and clarification of essential parts of May 18 resolutions (in order strengthen Riley’s hands) and SC request to him to renew his effort.
In order assist SC in its consideration of problem since it appears to have ramifications concerning water supply for entire Jordan area, SC might request Blandford (with assistance, if needed, of technical experts provided by SYG) to study and report to SC as matter of urgency on economic and related implications, including problem of refugee resettlement. In view of previous studies which have been made and Blandford’s knowledge of General situation, he should be able to produce such report in relatively brief time.

  1. Ante, p. 773.