884A.00 TA/7–1451: Telegram

The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State 1


37. In recent informal conversation FonMin stated that with regard to proposed US econ assistance in ME he had never advocated such aid shld be confined to Israel or Arabs shld not be aided, and direct aid shld be based on (1) actual needs (2) pace of development of recipient countries and (3) exertions of countries themselves.

As to relations with Arab states, he discussed at some length and with obvious interest possible means of influence Arab population to make it polit possible for leaders make peace with Israel. He made frank but not particularly helpful observation that “basic thing in current Israel history is immigration, not relations with Arabs”. He evinced some interest, if not enthusiasm, for possible coordinated use of existing facilities to correct misapprehensions, create confidence and lessen ill will. He apparently does not regard improvement as vital to Israel’s interests, and is inclined to be skeptical regarding efficacy any attempt change Arab thinking by either deeds or words.

On other hand he fears further deterioration in situation and says he anticipates that Egypt, encouraged by example of others, may soon take action against Jews and their property.

When I mentioned his Nazareth speech (Embtel 13, July 9)2 in Arabic to local Arabs, and expressed view that treatment of Arab minority had great importance to Israel’s internatl position, particularly in Russ and West Eur, he said that his reception at Nazareth had been courteous rather than warm, that the crowds had viewed him with curiosity and outward respect but there was complete lack of friendliness. He said a higher percentage of Arab children are in school than during days of mandate and it is Israel policy treat minority with consideration. He expressed conviction however that it is too much to expect Arabs will be happy as minority. He made further revealing remark re his thinking to effect his govt had refrained from giving too much publicity to things done for Arabs since it did not wish encourage illegal infiltration or further demands for repatriation.

  1. Repeated to Amman, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jidda, Jerusalem, London, and Paris.
  2. Telegram 13 from Tel Aviv, July 9, not printed, summarized a speech by Mr. Sharett on July 6 in Nazareth, Israel’s largest Arab center (784A.022/7–951).