683.84A/6–2051: Telegram

The Chargé in Lebanon (Bruins) to the Department of State 1


785. For McGhee from Bruins. Your msg (Deptel 900)2 given orally to Riley, whose reaction was that he has made every effort to be impartial and if he has spent more time with Israelis than with Syrians it is because Israelis needed more persuading.

His replies are as fols in accordance with lettered paras your msg:

  • (a) Held conferences in Damascus May 17 and 22, June 13. Major Jdid visited Riley in Beirut June 2 to discuss problem. Riley maintained hdqrs in Beirut to be in closer touch with Damascus by telephone. Held five conferences in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. If he was in touch with Israelis and extra time spent it was to exert pressure for compliance.
  • (b) Riley regrets through error info was not passed to Defense Min as planned prior to press release. If Syrian reps had listened to BBC or Arab instead of Israeli radio, same msg cld have been heard.
  • (c) Problem difficult due to destruction of villages. Time is necessary to get accord on free interviews by observers with Arabs at Shaab.3 Due to unsatisfactory results from these interviews, Riley attempting get Israelis to set date on which transport can be arranged to take back to demilit zone those who wish to return.
  • (d) This is matter of opinion. Chairman bases his info on certified land titles. In this regard believe titles in this area much better than elsewhere as Palestine Land Development Co. officials have been working on project for years. For info, Palestine Land Development Co. has about completed work on Jewish or concession lands on West Bank. Now want to move to East Bank but fear little Jewish land involved on that bank as to necessitate complete stoppage of work in zone unless it can be continued on Arab-owned lands. Report on failure of chairman to reach agreement with Arab landowners being submitted to SC this date.
  • (e) This is quite possible, and is difficult problem until we can get Israeli police out of zone. Arabs have entrenchments established on approach to El Hamma. Riley prefers these remain until normal relationships restored.
  • (f) This is matter of opinion. Since chairman had fairly accurate knowledge about these Jewish lands, the five-day stoppage certainly complied with resolutions and gave him sufficient time for his investigations. In Riley’s view these lands were never the subject of discussion.

Riley further states MAC meeting is scheduled for Rosh Pinna June 20, at which much discussion is expected on interpretation explanatory note and powers of chairman.

  1. Telegram repeated to Damascus, London, New York, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Dated June 15, p. 722.
  3. A village in Israel to which Israeli authorities had removed a number of Arab residents of the Demilitarized Zone in the course of the dispute with Syria regarding the Huleh drainage project.