683.84A/6–751: Telegram
The Chargé in Lebanon (Bruins) to the Department of State 1
731. Replying Deptel 859, June 6,2 requesting state of drainage work in demilitarized zone, Gen Riley, now in Beirut, reports that on June 5 he submitted second interim report3 to Pres SecCo on steps taken to give effect to May 18, 1951 SecCo resolution.
[Part ?] 1 of this report covers Israel Govt agreement for stoppage of all work in demilitarized zone until chairman has opportunity to check on status of lands Israeli-owned, concession-owned and Arab-owned, where work must be performed in connection with over-all project. Chairman, as result of his investigation, expects to be in position to authorize Palestine Land Development Co. to resume work on Monday, June 12 on Israeli- or concession-owned lands. No work will be resumed on any Arab-owned land until chairman reaches agreement on payment of compensation and possible exchange of lands within demilitarized zone. If this is not possible (present indications no concurrence possible), then within period two weeks Gen Riley will find it necessary to report back to SecCo results of such endeavors. As Riley sees situation, chairman cannot stop work from proceeding on lands other than Arab-owned for an indefinite period. However, Syria is intent on interpreting SecCo res to mean that work on all lands will be suspended indefinitely. Riley invites attention to fact that at time Mar 7 memo was prepared, he had no knowledge that lands other than Arab-owned were involved. Therefore, he must stand on point that Palestine Land Development Co. does have authority to continue work on land which belongs to Israelis and to concession.
Above is for info only and not for publication.
Gen Riley expects to be mainly in Beirut next two or three weeks. Suggest routing communications for him accordingly.