684A.85/5–351: Telegram

The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State 1


698. In view Ben Gurion visit, Dept may be interested fol re Embtel 696, May 2.2 Shiloah requested my views exchange of correspondence, and was informed it was my impression ground had been lost rather than gained. I suggested more attention be paid to motivation Arab opposition as prelude to coordinated and sustained Israel effort effect change in Arab attitude; expressed belief his people with their intelligence and determination can accomplish more than heretofore if they consider matter important enough. Cited unnecessarily provocative language in correspondence, generally rough handling of border incidents, and apparent lack of any concerted effort to create better feeling as factors contributing to lack of progress. He agreed imagination needed to avoid phraseology unduly embarrassing other negotiators, and seemed take in good part expression of view he had invited. I stressed nothing wld please us more than see improvement in Israel relations with its neighbors but we are convinced such improvement will have to be achieved by parties directly concerned.

  1. Repeated for information to Amman and Jerusalem.
  2. Ante, p. 656.