683.84A/4–1051: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1
612. Syria’s Min2 asked Dept Rep today whether USG action on Syro-Israeli frontier dispute taken under tripartite declaration.3 Dept Rep replied US considered tripartite declaration shld be used only in circumstances more serious than the present. Believed recent dispute cld be resolved in existing UN machinery. Although consulting with UK and Fr because of mutual interest in problem US does not contemplate action under tripartite declaration at this time. Action taken by US thus far prompted by friendship for both Syria and Israel and obligation as member UN do all possible promote peace and stability. Inform FonOff of foregoing and report views re applicability tripartite declaration to frontier incidents.
- Telegram drafted by Mr. Barrow and cleared with UNP. Sent to London and Paris and repeated for information to Amman, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jerusalem, Jidda, and Tel Aviv.↩
- Faiz El-Khouri.↩
During discussion of the Israel-Syria border dispute at the press conference cited in footnote 3, p. 626, the following exchange had taken place:
“Q. Can you explain it just a little, on what aspect we are taking up with the British and French on this?
“A. The discussion of the agreement which was made May 25, 1950. It was provided in it that we should consult should there be any violation or threat to the other nations, arrangements that had been made with reference to fringe and disputed areas between Israel and her neighbors, for the purpose of seeing what should be done immediately if there was trouble, or head off trouble that had not broken out.”