747C.00/5–451: Telegram
The Minister in Greece (Yost) to the Department of State 1
3759. Subj Deptel 4111 May 22 discussed today with Venizelos and Politis. They stated démarche soliciting Brit declaration re future of Cyprus had been made to Morrison within last few days and read to me full text of report on conversation from Greek Amb London. Melas said Morrison had categorically refused to make any declaration, had been unwilling even to admit that question disposition of Cyprus might be discussed between Brit and Grks sometime in future, had repeated well-known arguments concerning inadvisability cause unrest among Cypriots at this time and finally had stressed Turkish interest in question.
Venizelos and Politis expressed considerable indignation at completely negative attitude of Brit. They said they intended to keep Brit reply secret if possible since its publication wld further inflame Cypriot public opinion and, further, that they had no intention of raising question in UN GA. Politis, however, declared Cypriots might endeavor persuade some Arab states to raise question which wld, of course, deeply embarrass Grk Govt. They declared they were doing everything possible to prevent issue from troubling Anglo-Grk relations and were endeavoring to quiet Cypriots but doubted ability to do so indefinitely if no satisfaction whatsoever is forthcoming. They doubted whether, in view present state Cypriot public opinion completely negative attitude is best means of keeping population calm and assuring loyalty in case of emergency. They were both convinced recent statement on subj by Turkish FonMin had been inspired by Brit.3
I detailed at some length reasons why Dept and US mil authorities consider present time most inappropriate for any change in status of Cyprus or any public controversy over issue. Venizelos and Politis expressed understanding and agreement but emphasized embarrassment of govt which is under heavy pressure from public opinion and all pol parties, which is likely to increase as electoral campaign gets underway this summer. Venizelos insisted that sitn wld be eased if Brit could be persuaded to make even most vague and general sort of statement which wld indicate their willingness discuss question at [Page 533] some indefinite time in future. He asked that this view be brought to Dept’s attention and its good offices solicited. I promised to report report his views but said could give no assurance of any assistance in view of Dept’s strong feeling that issue shld not be further raised at this time.
While Emb is unaware exact state of public opinion Cyprus, there can be no question repeated visits Cypriot metropolitan to Greece have stirred up feeling here to point where agitation can hardly be dampened down even with best efforts of govt. We are inclined to believe, as previously reported, that some vague, non-committal statement by Brit wld be useful and that in absence action along these lines issue is likely to become increasingly troublesome and perhaps eventually dangerous.
- Repeated to London, pouched to Nicosia.↩
- Supra.↩
- In telegram 3595 from Athens. April 24. Peurifoy reported that nearly all the Athens newspapers had devoted leading comments to the April 23 statement by Turkish Foreign Minister Köprülü to an Istanbul newspaper “to effect Turkey vitally concerned in ultimate fate Cyprus in view island’s geographical position and Turk minority and therefore Turkey prefers maintenance status quo.” (981.61/4–2451)↩