No. 541

396.1/7–2351: Telegram

The United States High Commissioner for Germany ( McCloy) to the Secretary of State 1


642. From Reber. Deptel 525, July 19, rptd London 469, Vienna 17, Moscow 47, Paris 461.2 In determining whether we shld take initiative in reconvening Austrian treaty deputies Austrian opinion shld be considered. If in Vienna’s view it is necessary to again demonstrate to Austrian Govt and people we are continuing our efforts to bring about settlement, this wld be important factor. If, however, as Gruber indicated (mytel 9787, June 4)3 Austrians believe no solution possible without general settlement of causes of tension in Eur, I question whether a mtg which is unlikely to do more than underline our inability to make progress will serve useful purpose. Continuity of mtgs was interrupted by Paris talks and their resumption now might either raise hopes which are unlikely be fulfilled [Page 1116] or subject us to pressure for further concessions on individual articles without assurances of final settlement.

In any event, preliminary consultations of Brit and Fr seem desirable at this stage before reaching final decision. If they and Austrians advocate mtg, proposed identical notes to USSR seem best procedure.

  1. Repeated to Vienna, London, Moscow, and Paris.
  2. Supra.
  3. Not printed, but see footnote 2, supra.