Editorial Note

The Foreign Ministers of the United Kingdom, France, and the United States held a series of bipartite and tripartite meetings in Washington on September 10–14, and, among other things, discussed economic problems that hampered their military production programs. For documentation concerning this discussion which included a suggestion that a high-level study be initiated in the near future and that the whole question be discussed at the next North Atlantic Council session in Ottawa, see the “United States Delegation Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, United Kingdom and France Held at Washington 9:30 a. m. September 14 (Tripartite MIN–6),” page 1163.

Among the various resolutions adopted during the Seventh Session of the North Atlantic Council which met in Ottawa from September 15–20, one entitled the “Resolution for Coordinated Analysis of NATO Defense Plans” was approved on September 19 that established a high-level study group called the Temporary Council Committee (TCC), subsequently nicknamed the “Wise Men.” The text of this resolution is contained in telegram Secto 23 of September 19 which is included in the documentation on the Seventh Session of the Council on pages 616 ff.