394.31/10–951: Telegram
The United States ( GATT ) Delegation to the Secretary of State
Tagg 71. Re Belg dollar import restrictions. Suetens advised US del Oct 8 that Belg has dropped intention use Art XIV IMF and now favors Art XII GATT as most appropriate. However indicated Art XXV GATT still attractive and wld be willing accept outcome ⅔ vote. Canads have made strong representations to Belg del for immed removal restrictions. Suetens leaving for Brussels Thurs to return Geneva fol Tues. Indicated he personally favored withdrawal restrictions and wld urge that course on govt. Matter will not be raised now in CPs at least until Suetens return Oct 16 or 17. Meanwhile Suetens advises (Oct 9) that Saad favoring use Art XIV. Will discuss this with Saad promptly.
Dept also pass Ottawa, sent Dept Tagg 71, rptd info Paris 87 for OSR, Brussels 12, Ottawa 1.