740.5/6–2551: Telegram

The United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford) to the Secretary of State


Depto 1176. Excon.

Part I.

1. Part II of this msg gives text of resolution re denying supplies of scarce materials to Soviet bloc, which was approved by CD today [Page 1133] subject to reservation by Danish deputy who still uninstructed. Norwegian, Netherlands, Belgian and Luxembourg deputies expressed great preference for less conclusive language in para five but announced willingness go along with majority. Danish deputy agreed recommend acceptance to his govt.

2. Italian deputy suggested amendment resolution to provide for use by FEB of COCOM representatives from NAT countries, but was satisfied leave this to be recorded in minutes of resolution intention.

3. Be association FedRep with this action, UK proposed that occupying powers instruct their representatives on HICOM to approach FedRep to this end. French deputy commented that this presented no problem since Occupation Statute wld enable occupying powers to make such representations to FedRep effective. US and UK deputies expressed reservation as to whether such procedure desirable and French deputy expressed willingness accept general language proposed by UK, leaving precise procedure to be worked out among occupying powers. This understanding, together with statement that parallel action by FedRep definitely desirable, will be incorporated in minutes of mtg. Text will be sent when available. Belgian deputy raised question of reporting to CD as to arrangements made with FedRep and it was agreed occupying powers should render such report either to CD or FEB.

Part II—Verbatim Text.


1. That DPB submitted April 10 an initial list critically short items and materials urgently required by NAT countries to carry out their rearmament and stockpile programs as well as additional list of June 6, and

2. That DPB is of opinion that these items and materials must be conserved to utmost by NAT countries.


3. That it is urgently necessary take all feasible steps to increase supplies of, and to conserve for NAT defense purposes, those items already listed by DPB and any further items which may be found by DPB to be in critical short supply for defense production in NAT countries.


4. FEB, in consultation as necessary with other appropriate international agencies, especially OEEC and IMC, to review over-all position in these materials, including essential civilian requirements in NAT countries and to assure that supplies which become available are devoted to most essential needs.

[Page 1134]


5. That, so long as items continue to be listed by DPB as being sent in short supply for NAT defense purposes, their supply to Soviet Union or areas under its domination or control shld be denied except to extent indicated by over-riding considerations arising out of security interest of exporting country concerned, term “security interests” being understood to include necessity to secure imports which must be obtained from Soviet bloc to sustain basic economic strength NAT countries.


6. FEB, in consultation as necessary with other appropriate international agencies, to examine this matter with view to securing prompt agreement among NAT countries as to specific measures to be taken under para 5 above.

7. DPB to communicate any further lists of items in which it anticipates shortages (or any deletions from earlier lists) to FEB for its consideration and action along lines paras 4 and 6 above, specifying insofar as possible exact nature of items concerned and countries wherein shortages are likely arise.

8. DPB and FEB to collaborate closely on foregoing matters and keep CD currently informed as to action taken pursuant to above requests.

Sent Dept Depto 1176, rptd info Paris for Embassy (King) and OSR 2807 Frankfort 1400.
