Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Ambassador at Large (Jessup)
Subject: Message from Mr. Bevin to the Secretary
Participants: | Sir Oliver Franks |
Ambassador Philip C. Jessup |
Sir Oliver spoke to me on the ‘phone at eleven o’clock this morning to inquire whether I could tell him anything about the Secretary’s reaction to the message from Mr. Bevin. I told him that I had hoped that he would have heard from Sir John Slessor the outcome of the matter even before we had an opportunity to tell him that he might expect an outcome which we hoped would be satisfactory. I indicated that I assumed this would have developed from the talks with Sir John Slessor with our Chiefs yesterday afternoon. He has not yet seen Slessor but expects to do so at noon today and will ‘phone me if he has [Page 807] any further questions. I told him he could appropriately report to Mr. Bevin that the Secretary had read the message sympathetically and had immediately taken action on it in the sense of initiating consultation at once with the others concerned, and that he hoped as a result of this Mr. Bevin would receive satisfaction.