320/11–2251: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

secret   niact

Delga 300. Subj disarmament item. Several dels, particularly India, are thinking of proposing a subcomite of Comite I to consider tripartite draft and Sov draft with view to developing a composite draft which wld seek to accommodate to the extent possible both views. We are mindful that in effort to make composite draft only the relevant elements of Sov draft wld be considered. This of course wld mean segmentation of Sov draft to which they have already in debate on order of items in comite vehemently objected. UK and Fr are disposed to accept such subcomite and have asked us our views thereon. Jessup and staff believe we shld tell UK and Fr we have open mind about subcomite and shld wait until Vyshinsky has given his speech1 before finally deciding.

Jessup and staff agree that idea of subcomite might take on ground swell proportions and recommend we go along with it. Our recommendation [Page 592] is motivated by desire to capitalize on good will accruing in comite from moderate and reasonable tripartite attitude. Presumably subcomite wld include Big Four.

Request Dept’s guidance soonest.

  1. For the summary record of Vyshinsky’s address in the First Committee on November 24, see GA (VI), First Committee, pp. 23–25.