330/11–3050: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 30—8:58 p. m.]
914. Subject: Indians attempts contact Chinese Communist delegation.
Up until later afternoon, November 30, Indian delegation UN has been unsuccessful in attempts establish personal contact with Chinese Communist delegation. Upon arrival latter delegation, Indians sent letter to it suggesting talks. Chinese Communists replied in letter stating they would be glad have talks at early date when Security Council not in session. B. N. Rau had appointment see Chinese today 11 a. m., but was informed by telephone that Chinese too busy and could not keep appointment. In later conversation with Gross, Rau gave impression he considered further effort would be futile at this stage. This connection Rau stated he did not believe Chinese Communist delegation were “free agents”.
Repeat to American Embassy, New Delhi as USUN 5.