357.AD/11–950: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea
303. FYI and background, fol is verbatim text res passed Nov 7 by Interim Comite on Korea:
“The Interim Committee on Korea,
Taking note of the special report dated 5 November 1950 from the United Nations Command in Korea to the Security Council, which report was brought to the attention of the committee by the Unified Command on 6 November 1950,
Believes that it should concern itself with questions relating to the Northern frontier of Korea in order that the frontier may be fully respected and that the United Nations Commission for the unification and rehabilitation of Korea, when organized and convened, should automatically continue to concern itself with this question,
Decides, in view of the urgent nature of the problem reflected in the special report of the UN Command referred to above, that such representatives of its members as are in Korea will, on behalf of the committee, and subject to its authority, lend all practicable assistance in respect of questions relating to the North Korean frontier,
Requests the Secretary General to provide necessary staff and facilities to carry out these functions.”
Text this res also sent CINCUNC. Emb shld extend appropriate assistance this group, which will be charged with responsibility for active consideration polit problems relating Korean frontier. Muccio will have detailed background when he returns Seoul. Text of res unclassified and shld be given ROK.