795.00/10–3050: Telegram

The Chargé in Korea (Drumright) to the Secretary of State


313. ReEmbtel 310, October 29, 8th Army informs Embassy 5 additional prisoners of Chinese origin were picked up yesterday in Kusong and Onjong areas—about 70 miles northwest and north respectively of Pyongyang. Also 10th Corps reported additional 16 prisoners of Chinese origin were captured yesterday about 40 miles north of Hamhung, but details were lacking save for report some of the 16 stated they from 42nd Chinese Communist Army.

While information is still sketchy and confirmation lacking, 8th Army intelligence now feels there may be 2 regiments of Chinese Communists engaged in 8th Army sector or north and northwest side of peninsula. It appears Chinese in this sector may have crossed Yalu River between October 15 and 20. It not yet definitely established whether Chinese fighting as independent units or sandwiched among North Koreans.

ROK forces fighting in Onjong–Huichon area have met strong opposition past 3 days. It may be Chinese Communist forces instrumental in checking advance toward Yalu.
