795.00/10–2950: Telegram

The Chargé in Korea (Drumright) to the Secretary of State


310. For Department’s information only. Department will probably have noted press reports, some extravagant, that Chinese Communist forces are participating in North Korean fighting.

[Page 1014]

From discussions with Eighth Army it has been ascertained that to date 5 prisoners identified as of Chinese origin have been captured in Eighth Army area and 2 in Tenth Corps area. Eighth Army captives were seized in area north and northeast of Pyongyang. 2 or 3 of 5 wore complete North Korean uniforms while others wore part North Korean uniform and part civilian dress. 2 of captives under preliminary investigation asserted that they crossed from Manchuria on or about October 19 and were formerly attached to Fortieth Chinese Communist Army Manchuria. 1 prisoner is represented as stating he crossed into North Korea with unit of 2,000 Chinese troops.

Eighth Army Headquarters states its field units have not reported coming into contact with any sizeable numbers of Chinese troops. On basis current information Eighth Army is not inclined to accept reports of substantial Chinese participation in North Korean fighting.
