795.00/10–2550: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea


246. Re telephone conversation Oct 24 with Johnson and WAR 93721, Oct 9,1 draft Civil Affairs Directive North Kor.

Dept Def confirms our understanding that, as no disagreement in principle on draft directive, assume CINCUNC applying principles contained therein to civil affairs operations in North Kor pending formal issuance directive.

Directive being submitted for formal approval JCS Oct 27 whereupon will require formal approval Sees State, Def and Pres which [Page 997] shld be obtained by Oct 30. Third sentence (retention local and provincial govts) of section 6 (governmental organization) being deleted.2

Full agreement here on ur view that first and second phases occupation be contracted to shortest possible period, but conclusion second phase depends on holding of elections, date for which must be decided by UNCURK.

For ur background and discussions with MacArthur, concept here is that during present initial phase Unified Command will retain general responsibility for relief and rehabilitation both North and South Kor until UN reconstruction agency has been established and assumes this responsibility. In polit field, not anticipated UN Comm will itself constitute or establish an operating organization for occupation of North Kor and, therefore, CINCUNC will continue exercise executive and operational responsibilities in field civil administration North Kor under consultative relationship with UN Comm as set forth in draft directive until termination second phase.

  1. See footnote 2 to the draft paper prepared in the Department of the Army, October 3, p. 857.
  2. The deleted sentence read as follows: “It is desirable that, to the extent practicable, local and provincial governments be retained or reestablished.”