895B.00/10–1850: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea


245. Urtels unno Oct 16 and 18,1 econ developments Seoul area. Pyongyang radio formerly made extravagant claims widespread redistribution land in South Korea during period Commie occupation. While extent actual implementation this Commie program not known here, ROK’s decision proceed full implementation land reform under previously enacted legis wld appear raise polit and econ problems if extensive dispossession new owners is arbitrarily carried out. Dept wld appreciate further info and analysis this problem and also your estimate whether ROK has taken implications inherent this problem into consideration in its planning.

Info also requested as to present ROK thinking on land program for North Korea. Dept believes it greatest importance that land program for north as well as south be orderly and equitable and hopes ROK will realize importance well-considered solution this problem. Such solution, however, shld remain essentially Korean and not directly identified with US policy or inspiration.

  1. Neither printed.