795A.5/9–2950: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State


792. My British colleague informed me yesterday that his government has learned from the Indians that Panikkar has [Page 822] reported strong sentiment among Chinese Communist leaders in Peiping favoring Chinese military intervention in Korean war if UN forces cross 38th parallel. Apparently Panikkar has reported that decision on intervention has crystallized since mid-September and that it is based on Chinese Communist conviction that basic aim of US, if its forces enter North Korea is to carry war to Manchuria and China in order return Chiang Kai-shek to power in China.

Confirmation of attitude Peiping leaders was received by an Embassy officer in conversation with Dutch Embassy officer who stated that Dutch Foreign Office has received report from its Chargé Peiping that it appears Communists are actually thinking of armed intervention Korea if US forces cross 38th line. Same report states those elements among Chinese intellectuals who remain sympathetic to US feel that we would make grave error to cross line in view Chinese Communist determination on intervention and that they (sympathetic intellectuals) would be obliged abandon their position favoring friendship with west based on US altruism. Our Dutch source here added that Dutch Ambassador on September 20 was told by Indian Ambassador Radhakrishnan that Panikkar had reported Chinese intervention intention in case line crossed by US forces. It appears report of Dutch Embassy here re this statement by Radhakrishnan prompted Dutch Foreign Office request special report from its Peiping Chargé, substance of which described above.

On balance, I find it difficult accept these two reports (Indian and Dutch) as authoritative analysis plans Chinese Communists. Moment for armed intervention was logically when UN forces were desperately defending small area Taegu-Pusan, when influx overwhelming numbers Chinese ground forces would have proved decisive factor. From here it appears probable Chinese Communists, thru press propaganda and by personal contacts with foreign diplomatic personnel Peiping, have taken strong line since Inchon landing hoping bluff UN on 38th parallel issue.

Nevertheless, prudence is indicated and I would much appreciate any information re Peiping attitude which may already have reached Department otherwise, September 23 speeches by Mao Tse-tung and Chu Teh which have not been published here in full conceivably may have been timed as warning that military situation now receiving tog attention.1

Department pass Delhi, Hague, London. Repeated info Delhi 39, The Hague 11, London 142.

  1. See telegram 773 from Moscow received on September 26 at 12:30 p. m., p. 779.