357.AD/9–2850: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in India

top secret

469. Reurtel 7911 and Deptel 468.2 British gave Rusk in New York substance of message from Nehru quoting Pannikar and Nehrus reaction to draft UK Korean Res as given you by Nye. Assume Nye has [Page 820] shown you text of res. Bevin sent strong reply last night to Nehru stating British view that Chi attitude is predictable reaction to loss of UN seat, that India is probably being subjected to war of nerves and that Brit estimate is Chi intervention in Korea basically contrary to Chi interests and unlikely to occur. Present US info tends to confirm Brit position.

Present military situation in Korea emphasizes possibility that military necessity may require ground action across the thirty eighth parallel before Assembly can express its final opinion on general problem. Dept and USDel at UN believe essential that GA take early stand on Korean matter so there can be no doubt re attitude of free world on this problem. General attitude US Govt on essential elements of Korean solution are given in immediately fol tel.3

In view of emphasis placed by Chinese on bombing incidents and in effort to reassure India and Peiping by seeking basis of settlement of any legitimate claims Peiping may have Bevin has been authorized to send message to Nehru stating that US is quite willing to have Indian and Swedish Reps look into charges and assess any damage which US shld pay and that US does not insist upon UN machinery but wld accept informal arrangement. In taking this step it is made clear that US was surprised that this shld be major source of friction since a procedure by which matter cld have been settled was vetoed in SC by USSR.

In considering question of 38th parallel believed there has been confusion between military and political phases this problem. Obviously military task is to restore international peace and security in area which demands that aggressor abdicate its military power or that this be destroyed by UN forces. In absence aggressors laying down arms this may well require operations anywhere in Korea at any time and Unified Command should have power take all necessary measures achieve this military objective. Long-run future of Korea north of 38th parallel as well as south is concern of UN and subject to UN decision. For your info you shld know that MacArthur has instructions that while ROK troops, as elements of Unified Command, may take part in any possible military actions north of 38th parallel question of jurisdiction of ROK in that area is one for UN decision. US believes important that no action by GA cast doubts on present status of ROK as Govt ROK is unquestionably freely chosen govt established through elections observed by UN Comm and approved by GA. In addition democratic character of May 1950 Natl Assembly elections was certified by UN Comm and Natl Assembly opposition to Rhee shld be interpreted as healthy democratic development rather than basis for repudiation duly constituted govt described as lawful [Page 821] by GA. However US has no intention of forcing ROK down throats of its UN Allies but hopes that ROK can be persuaded to cooperate with UN and show by its conduct during coming days that it merits confidence and consideration of UN. Question of holding elections in south is delicate matter which US believes shld be left for study and recommendation by UN Comm on-the-spot and not spelled out specifically in res. ROK Reps at GA meetings have taken strong stand on this point and insist that in as much as UN-approved elections were held throughout south as recently as last May it shld not be necessary to do it all over again. In any event there is general belief among UN Dels in which US joins that any elections either north or south shld not be hastily held while scars of war are still uppermost in minds of people. It may be that cooling-off period might last as long as one year in which case it wld be close to May 1952 at which time Rhees term of office expires. US believes question of who shld govern Korea is matter for decision of Koreans and shld not be influenced from outside one way or another. Shld new elections under UN auspices result in election of Rhee we believe results shld be accepted, shld Rhee not be chosen again we wld maintain same attitude towards results.

Dept believes active support by India of UK Res wld be of tremendous significance and consideration is being given to postponing presentation of res for short time in hope that India may reconsider. You might stress to GOI that now is time to press toward its consistent objective of unified independent Korea. If NK regime is given time to regroup its forces north of three eighth parallel, it will almost certainly defy UN as in past. In this event UN wld be faced with hard alternatives of yielding to such defiance by ruthless aggressor or of attempting to bring about unification by renewed and more costly military action. UN members shld not be dissuaded from support of firm UN action at this critical stage by implied threats of those who have supported aggression.

Dept regrets speed of events has made it difficult keep you currently informed developments and commends your conduct conversations with Bajpai despite handicap of inadequate info.

Rptd info New York Gadel 17.

  1. Received at 9:52 a. m. on September 28, p. 808.
  2. Supra.
  3. Telegram 470 to New Delhi, not printed, transmitted the text of telegram Delga 43 from New York, received at 8:37 p. m. on September 28, p. 817.