795B.5/8–2950: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State


1035. MAAG has received a communication from General Raguet to effect that French battalion for Korea will embark on October 1 at Cherbourg and will consist of 1,000 men plus 500 for maintenance with a 500-man depot to be set up in France for replacements. The communication states that battalion will have only light arms and proposes that all medical supplies are to be furnished by US Government against MDAP FY’50 program.

MAAG is sending detailed account direct to Defense and is informing General Raguet that this communication has been sent to Washington where it presumably will be discussed between Defense and French military there.

If it is desired we make any reply here, please instruct.1

  1. Department telegram 1120, September 2, to Paris, not printed, informed the Ambassador that no reply was necessary (795B.5/8–2950).